S P Venkateshan
S P Venkateshan
Emeritus Professor, IIIT DM Kancheepuram
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Cited by
System for temperature profile measurement in large furnances and kilns and method therefor
P Shakkottai, SP Venkateshan
US Patent 4,762,425, 1988
Interaction of surface radiation with free convection in a square cavity
C Balaji, SP Venkateshan
International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 14 (3), 260-267, 1993
Mechanical measurements
SP Venkateshan, SP Venkateshan, Venkateshan
Wiley, 2015
Convection heat transfer from aluminium and copper foams in a vertical channel–An experimental study
PM Kamath, C Balaji, SP Venkateshan
International Journal of Thermal Sciences 64, 1-10, 2013
Conjugate turbulent natural convection with surface radiation in air filled rectangular enclosures
AK Sharma, K Velusamy, C Balaji, SP Venkateshan
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 50 (3-4), 625-639, 2007
Effect of surface radiation on natural convection in a square enclosure
N Ramesh, SP Venkateshan
Journal of thermophysics and heat transfer 13 (3), 299-301, 1999
Correlations for free convection and surface radiation in a square cavity
C Balaji, SP Venkateshan
International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 15 (3), 249-251, 1994
Experimental investigation of flow assisted mixed convection in high porosity foams in vertical channels
PM Kamath, C Balaji, SP Venkateshan
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 54 (25-26), 5231-5241, 2011
Numerical study of natural convection with surface radiation in side-vented open cavities
SN Singh, SP Venkateshan
International Journal of Thermal Sciences 43 (9), 865-876, 2004
Experimental study of free convection and radiation in horizontal fin arrays
VR Rao, SP Venkateshan
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 39 (4), 779-789, 1996
Interaction of radiation with free convection in an open cavity
C Balaji, SP Venkateshan
International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 15 (4), 317-324, 1994
Effect of surface radiation on conjugate mixed convection in a vertical channel with a discrete heat source in each wall
CG Rao, C Balaji, SP Venkateshan
International journal of heat and mass transfer 45 (16), 3331-3347, 2002
Experimental study of mixed convection heat transfer in a vertical duct filled with metallic porous structures
G Venugopal, C Balaji, SP Venkateshan
International Journal of Thermal Sciences 49 (2), 340-348, 2010
Combined conduction, convection and radiation in a slot
C Balaji, SP Venkateshan
International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 16 (2), 139-144, 1995
An experimental and numerical investigation of mixed convection from a heat generating element in a ventilated cavity
TV Radhakrishnan, AK Verma, C Balaji, SP Venkateshan
Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 32 (2), 502-520, 2007
Experimental and numerical investigations on optimal distribution of heat source array under natural and forced convection in a horizontal channel
S Durgam, SP Venkateshan, T Sundararajan
International Journal of Thermal Sciences 115, 125-138, 2017
Computational methods in engineering
SP Venkateshan, P Swaminathan
Academic Press, 2014
Experimental study of natural convection in a square enclosure using differential interferometer
N Ramesh, SP Venkateshan
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 44 (6), 1107-1117, 2001
Heat transfer
SP Venkateshan
Springer Nature, 2021
Experimental studies on steady free convection heat transfer from fins and fin arrays
CB Sobhan, SP Venkateshan, KN Seetharamu
Waerme-und Stoffuebertragung;(Germany, FR) 25 (6), 1990
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Articles 1–20