Raid Amin
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Charts with variable sampling intervals
MR Reynolds, RW Amin, JC Arnold, JA Nachlas
Technometrics 30 (2), 181-192, 1988
CUSUM charts with variable sampling intervals
MR Reynolds, RW Amin, JC Arnold
Technometrics 32 (4), 371-384, 1990
Nonparametric quality control charts based on the sign statistic
RW Amin, MR Reynolds Jr, B Saad
Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods 24 (6), 1597-1623, 1995
Exponentially weighted moving average control schemes with variable sampling intervals
MS Saccucci, RW Amin, JM Lucas
Communications in Statistics-simulation and Computation 21 (3), 627-657, 1992
A Robustness Study of Charts with Variable Sampling Intervals
RW Amin, RW Miller
Journal of Quality Technology 25 (1), 36-44, 1993
A double exponentially weighted moving average control procedure with variable sampling intervals
SE Shamma, RW Amin, AK Shamma
Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation 20 (2-3), 511-528, 1991
A nonparametric exponentially weighted moving average control scheme
RW Amin, AJ Searcy
Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation 20 (4), 1049-1072, 1991
Improved switching rules in control procedures using variable sampling intervals
RW Amin, WC Letsinger
Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation 20 (1), 205-230, 1991
EWMA control charts for the smallest and largest observations
RW Amin, H Wolff, W Besenfelder, R Baxley
Journal of Quality Technology 31 (2), 189-206, 1999
Epidemiologic mapping of Florida childhood cancer clusters
R Amin, A Bohnert, L Holmes, A Rajasekaran, C Assanasen
Pediatric blood & cancer 54 (4), 511-518, 2010
The switching behavior of charts with variable sampling intervals
RW Amin, R Hemasinha
Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods 22 (7), 2081-2102, 1993
A note on individual and moving range control charts
RW Amin, RA Ethridge
Journal of Quality Technology 30 (1), 70-74, 1998
Sign control charts with variable sampling intervals
RW Amin, O Widmaier
Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods 28 (8), 1961-1985, 1999
Impact of pharmacy-led medication reconciliation on medication errors during transition in the hospital setting
L Smith, J Mosley, S Lott, E Cyr Jr, R Amin, E Everton, A Islami, L Phan, ...
Pharmacy practice 13 (4), 634, 2015
A Cluster Analysis of Pediatric Cancer Incidence Rates in Florida: 2000–2010
R Amin, M Hendryx, M Shull, A Bohnert
statistics and public policy 1 (1), 69-77, 2014
Spatial clusters of breast cancer mortality and incidence in the contiguous USA: 2000–2014
RW Amin, BA Fritsch, JE Retzloff
Journal of General Internal Medicine 34, 412-419, 2019
The effects of autocorrelation and outliers on two-sided tolerance limits
RW Amin, SJ Lee
Journal of Quality Technology 31 (3), 286-300, 1999
A spatial study of the location of superfund sites and associated cancer risk
R Amin, A Nelson, S McDougall
Statistics and Public Policy 5 (1), 1-9, 2018
A geospatial analysis of shark attack rates for the east coast of Florida: 1994–2009
R Amin, E Ritter, P Kennedy
Marine and Freshwater Behaviour and Physiology 45 (3), 185-198, 2012
Measurement for evaluating the learnability and resilience of methods of cognitive work
RR Hoffman, M Marx, R Amin, PL McDermott
Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science 11 (6), 561-575, 2010
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Articles 1–20