Luiz Gustavo Cançado
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Cited by
Studying disorder in graphite-based systems by Raman spectroscopy
MA Pimenta, G Dresselhaus, MS Dresselhaus, LG Cancado, A Jorio, ...
Physical chemistry chemical physics 9 (11), 1276-1290, 2007
Quantifying defects in graphene via Raman spectroscopy at different excitation energies
LG Cançado, A Jorio, EHM Ferreira, F Stavale, CA Achete, RB Capaz, ...
Nano letters 11 (8), 3190-3196, 2011
General equation for the determination of the crystallite size La of nanographite by Raman spectroscopy
LG Cançado, K Takai, T Enoki, M Endo, YA Kim, H Mizusaki, A Jorio, ...
Applied physics letters 88 (16), 2006
Raman characterization of defects and dopants in graphene
R Beams, LG Cançado, L Novotny
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 27 (8), 083002, 2015
Influence of the atomic structure on the Raman spectra of graphite edges
LG Cancado, MA Pimenta, BRA Neves, MSS Dantas, A Jorio
Physical review letters 93 (24), 247401, 2004
Measuring the degree of stacking order in graphite by Raman spectroscopy
LG Cançado, K Takai, T Enoki, M Endo, YA Kim, H Mizusaki, NL Speziali, ...
Carbon 46 (2), 272-275, 2008
Measuring the absolute Raman cross section of nanographites as a function of laser energy and crystallite size
LG Cançado, A Jorio, MA Pimenta
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 76 (6), 064304, 2007
Double resonance Raman spectroscopy of single-wall carbon nanotubes
R Saito, A Grüneis, GG Samsonidze, VW Brar, G Dresselhaus, ...
New Journal of Physics 5 (1), 157, 2003
Raman signature of graphene superlattices
V Carozo, CM Almeida, EHM Ferreira, LG Cancado, CA Achete, A Jorio
Nano letters 11 (11), 4527-4534, 2011
Measuring disorder in graphene with the G and D bands
A Jorio, EHM Ferreira, MVO Moutinho, F Stavale, CA Achete, RB Capaz
physica status solidi (b) 247 (11‐12), 2980-2982, 2010
D-band Raman intensity of graphitic materials as a function of laser energy and crystallite size
K Sato, R Saito, Y Oyama, J Jiang, LG Cançado, MA Pimenta, A Jorio, ...
Chemical physics letters 427 (1-3), 117-121, 2006
Anisotropy of the Raman spectra of nanographite ribbons
LG Cançado, MA Pimenta, BRA Neves, G Medeiros-Ribeiro, T Enoki, ...
Physical review letters 93 (4), 047403, 2004
Disentangling contributions of point and line defects in the Raman spectra of graphene-related materials
LG Cançado, MG Da Silva, EHM Ferreira, F Hof, K Kampioti, K Huang, ...
2D Materials 4 (2), 025039, 2017
Structural analysis of polycrystalline graphene systems by Raman spectroscopy
J Ribeiro-Soares, ME Oliveros, C Garin, MV David, LGP Martins, ...
Carbon 95, 646-652, 2015
Geometrical approach for the study of band in the Raman spectrum of monolayer graphene, bilayer graphene, and bulk graphite
LG Cançado, A Reina, J Kong, MS Dresselhaus
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 77 (24), 245408, 2008
Group theory analysis of phonons in two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenides
J Ribeiro-Soares, RM Almeida, EB Barros, PT Araujo, MS Dresselhaus, ...
Physical Review B 90 (11), 115438, 2014
Stokes and anti-Stokes double resonance Raman scattering in two-dimensional graphite
LG Cançado, MA Pimenta, R Saito, A Jorio, LO Ladeira, A Grueneis, ...
Physical Review B 66 (3), 035415, 2002
Localization of lattice dynamics in low-angle twisted bilayer graphene
AC Gadelha, DAA Ohlberg, C Rabelo, EGS Neto, TL Vasconcelos, ...
Nature 590 (7846), 405-409, 2021
Characterization of Few-Layer 1T′ MoTe2 by Polarization-Resolved Second Harmonic Generation and Raman Scattering
R Beams, LG Cançado, S Krylyuk, I Kalish, B Kalanyan, AK Singh, ...
ACS nano 10 (10), 9626-9636, 2016
Room‐temperature compression‐induced diamondization of few‐layer graphene
APM Barboza, MHD Guimaraes, DVP Massote, LC Campos, ...
Advanced Materials 23 (27), 3014, 2011
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Articles 1–20