Laras Cempaka
Laras Cempaka
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Panduan praktis pendugaan umur simpan produk pangan
N Asiah, L Cempaka, W David
Peneribit Universitas Bakrie, 2018
Prinsip dasar penyimpanan pangan pada suhu rendah
N Asiah, L Cempaka, K Ramadhan, SH Matatula
Penerbit Nas Media Pustaka, 2020
Identifikasi Cita Rasa Sajian Tubruk Kopi Robusta Cibulao pada Berbagai Suhu dan Tingkat Kehalusan Penyeduhan
LC Dessy Agustina Sari Nurul Asiah, Feny Septiyana, Uji Saptono
BAROMETER 2 (2), 52-56, 2017
Dynamics of Cocoa Bean Pulp Degradation during Cocoa Bean Fermentation: Effects of Yeast Starter Culture Addition.
L Cempaka, L Aliwarga, S Purwo, MTA Penia Kresnowati
Journal of Mathematical & Fundamental Sciences 46 (1), 2014
Knowledge, attitudes and practices regarding food hygiene and sanitation of food street handlers in the public elementary school at greater Jakarta, Indonesia
L Cempaka, AA Rizki, N Asiah
Asia Pacific Journal of Sustainable Agriculture Food and Energy (APJSAFE) 7 …, 2019
Pendugaan umur simpan produk pangan
N Asiah, L Cempaka, W David
Universitas Bakrie. Jakarta, 2018
Proximate composition, total phenolic content, and sensory analysis of rice bran tempeh
L Cempaka, N Eliza, A Ardiansyah, DD Handoko, RM Astuti
Makara Journal of Science 22 (2), 89-94, 2018
Physical and chemical characteristic of virgin coconut oil under mix culture fermentation technique
N Asiah, RM Astuti, L Cempaka, R Setiani
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1364 (1), 012009, 2019
PEUYEUM: fermented cassava from Bandung, West Java, Indonesia
L Cempaka
Journal of Ethnic Foods 8 (3), 1-7, 2021
Sensory Profiles of Chocolate Drinks Made from Commercial Fermented Cocoa Powder and Unfermented Cocoa Beans
WD Laras Cempaka, Eva Aulia Rahmawati, Ardiansyah
Current Research in Nutrition and Food Science 9 (3), 988-999, 2021
Karakteristik sensori dan analisis mikroba tempe segar beraneka rasa
L Cempaka, MA Widyana, RM Astuti
Jurnal ilmu pangan dan hasil pertanian 4 (1), 43-59, 2020
Pelatihan Pembuatan Yoghurt dari Susu Bubuk Instan Full Cream pada Ibu-Ibu Kota Pelangi di Pancoran, Jakarta Selatan
L Cempaka, N Asiah
Indonesian Journal for Social Responsibility 2 (01), 1-10, 2020
Chemical composition and sensory analysis of simulated chips based rice bran tempe flour
L Cempaka, N Casa, N Asiah
Current Research in Nutrition and Food Science Journal 6 (3), 826-834, 2018
Identifikasi cita rasa sajian tubruk kopi robusta cibulao pada berbagai suhu dan tingkat kehalusan penyeduhan. Barometer. 2017. 2 (2) 52-56
N Asiah, F Septiana, U Saptono, L Cempaka, DA Sari
Effects of drying techniques on bioactivity of ginger (Zingiber officinale): A meta-analysis investigation.
H Kurniasari, W David, L Cempaka
AIMS Agriculture & Food 7 (2), 2022
Metode Penentuan Umur Simpan
N Asiah, L Cempaka, W David
Dalam: Panduan Praktis Pendugaan Umur Simpan Produk Pangan, 39-52, 2018
Literasi Digital Bagi Pelajar: Bijak Bermedia Sosial dan Cerdas Memanfaatkan Media Massa (Studi Kasus Konten Makanan di SMK Merah Putih Bekasi)
A Kurnia, L Cempaka
Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Multidisiplin 6 (3), 287-299, 2023
The evaluation of shelf life of Arabica mixed coffee drinks using accelerated shelf life testing method
L Cempaka, AQN Akbar, N Asiah
Pelita Perkeb.(A Coffee Cocoa Res. J.) 35, 193-204, 2020
Comparative study: physico-chemical properties of virgin coconut oil using various culture
N Asiah, L Cempaka, T Maulidini
Asia Pacific Journal of Sustainable Agriculture Food and Energy 6 (2), 1-5, 2018
Sensory Evaluation And Yield Value of VCO Produced By Various Culture
N Asiah, L Cempaka, T Maulidini
Agricultural science 2 (1), 36-44, 2018
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Articles 1–20