Yuanhui Zhu
Cited by
Cited by
Object-based mangrove species classification using unmanned aerial vehicle hyperspectral images and digital surface models
J Cao, W Leng, K Liu, L Liu, Z He, Y Zhu
Remote Sensing 10 (1), 89, 2018
Retrieval of mangrove aboveground biomass at the individual species level with worldview-2 images
Y Zhu, K Liu, L Liu, S Wang, H Liu
Remote Sensing 7 (9), 12192-12214, 2015
Exploring the potential of worldview-2 red-edge band-based vegetation indices for estimation of mangrove leaf area index with machine learning algorithms
Y Zhu, K Liu, L Liu, SW Myint, S Wang, H Liu, Z He
Remote Sensing 9 (10), 1060, 2017
Combining UAV-based hyperspectral and LiDAR data for mangrove species classification using the rotation forest algorithm
J Cao, K Liu, L Zhuo, L Liu, Y Zhu, L Peng
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 102 …, 2021
Integration of GF2 optical, GF3 SAR, and UAV data for estimating aboveground biomass of China’s largest artificially planted mangroves
Y Zhu, K Liu, S W. Myint, Z Du, Y Li, J Cao, L Liu, Z Wu
Remote Sensing 12 (12), 2039, 2020
Identifying mangrove species using field close-range snapshot hyperspectral imaging and machine-learning techniques
J Cao, K Liu, L Liu, Y Zhu, J Li, Z He
Remote Sensing 10 (12), 2047, 2018
Changes of ecosystem carbon stock following the plantation of exotic mangrove Sonneratia apetala in Qi'ao Island, China
C Yu, J Feng, K Liu, G Wang, Y Zhu, H Chen, D Guan
Science of the Total Environment 717, 137142, 2020
冯家莉, 刘凯, 朱远辉, 李勇, 柳林, 蒙琳
热带地理 35 (1), 35-42, 2015
Combining GF-2 and RapidEye satellite data for mapping mangrove species using ensemble machine-learning methods
L Peng, K Liu, J Cao, Y Zhu, F Li, L Liu
International Journal of Remote Sensing 41 (3), 813-838, 2020
Spatialization of population in the Pearl River Delta in 30 m grids using random forest model
M Tan, K Liu, L Liu, Y Zhu, D Wang
Prog. Geogr 36, 1304-1312, 2017
Estimating and mapping mangrove biomass dynamic change using WorldView-2 images and digital surface models
Y Zhu, K Liu, L Liu, SW Myint, S Wang, J Cao, Z Wu
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote …, 2020
Formulating operational mitigation options and examining intra-urban social inequality using evidence-based urban warming effects
Y Zhu, SW Myint, D Schaffer-Smith, RL Muenich, D Tong, Y Li
Frontiers in Environmental Science 9, 795474, 2022
基于随机森林模型的珠江三角洲 30 m 格网人口空间化
谭敏, 刘凯, 柳林, 朱远辉, 王大山
地理科学进展 36 (10), 1304-1312, 2017
刘凯, 龚辉, 曹晶晶, 朱远辉
热带地理 39 (4), 492-501, 2019
红树林湿地沉积物中 AVS-SEM 与重金属分布特征——以珠江口淇澳岛为例
张弛, 王树功, 朱远辉, 邹建明
环境科学学报 31 (4), 805-815, 2011
李想, 刘凯, 朱远辉, 蒙琳, 于晨曦, 曹晶晶
遥感技术与应用 33 (2), 360-369, 2018
The dynamic of dike-pond system in the pearl river delta during 1964–2012
Y Li, K Liu, Y Liu, Y Zhu
Global Changes and Natural Disaster Management: Geo-information Technologies …, 2017
基于 WorldView-2 数据和支持向量机的红树林群落分类研究
唐焕丽, 刘凯, 朱远辉, 王树功, 柳林, 宋莎
中山大学学报 (自然科学版) 54 (4), 102-111, 2015
代表性人口空间分布数据集的精度评价——以 2010 年广东省为例
林丹淳, 谭敏, 刘凯, 柳林, 朱远辉
热带地理 40 (2), 346-356, 2020
陈凯, 刘凯, 柳林, 朱远辉
地理科学进展 34 (8), 2015
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