Ratno Nuryadi
Ratno Nuryadi
National Research and Innovation Agency
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Cited by
Formation and ordering of self-assembled Si islands by ultrahigh vacuum annealing of ultrathin bonded silicon-on-insulator structure
R Nuryadi, Y Ishikawa, M Tabe
Applied surface science 159, 121-126, 2000
Thermal agglomeration of single-crystalline Si layer on buried in ultrahigh vacuum
R Nuryadi, Y Ishikawa, Y Ono, M Tabe
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B: Microelectronics and Nanometer …, 2002
Ambipolar Coulomb blockade characteristics in a two-dimensional Si multidot device
R Nuryadi, H Ikeda, Y Ishikawa, M Tabe
IEEE transactions on nanotechnology 2 (4), 231-235, 2003
Synthesis and enhanced photocatalytic activity of Ce-doped zinc oxide nanorods by hydrothermal method
N Aisah, D Gustiono, V Fauzia, I Sugihartono, R Nuryadi
IOP conference series: materials science and engineering 172 (1), 012037, 2017
Electrochemical sensor for environmental monitoring system: A review
R Hanafi, RD Mayasari, M Masmui, A Agustanhakri, J Raharjo, R Nuryadi
AIP Conference Proceedings 2169 (1), 2019
Current fluctuation in single-hole transport through a two-dimensional Si multidot
R Nuryadi, H Ikeda, Y Ishikawa, M Tabe
Applied Physics Letters 86 (13), 2005
Single-photon-induced random telegraph signal in a two-dimensional multiple-tunnel-junction array
R Nuryadi, Y Ishikawa, M Tabe
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 73 (4), 045310, 2006
Effect of patterning on thermal agglomeration of ultrathin silicon-on-insulator layer
Y Ishikawa, M Kumezawa, R Nuryadi, M Tabe
Applied surface science 190 (1-4), 11-15, 2002
ZnO/Au-based surface plasmon resonance for CO2 gas sensing application
R Nuryadi, RD Mayasari
Applied Physics A 122, 1-6, 2016
Atomistic nature in band-to-band tunneling in two-dimensional silicon pn tunnel diodes
M Tabe, HN Tan, T Mizuno, M Muruganathan, H Mizuta, R Nuryadi, ...
Applied Physics Letters 108 (9), 2016
Thermal agglomeration of ultrathin silicon-on-insulator layers: Crystalline orientation dependence
Y Fan, R Nuryadi, ZA Burhanudin, M Tabe
Japanese journal of applied physics 47 (3R), 1461, 2008
Resonance frequency change in microcantilever-based sensor due to humidity variation
R Nuryadi, A Djajadi, R Adiel, L Aprilia, N Aisah
Materials Science Forum 737, 176-182, 2013
Simulation of visible light induced effects in a tunnel junction array for photonic device applications
M Tabe, Y Terao, Y Ishikawa, R Nuryadi, N Asahi, Y Amemiya
Japanese journal of applied physics 38 (1S), 593, 1999
Thermally-induced formation of Si wire array on an ultrathin (111) silicon-on-insulator substrate
ZA Burhanudin, R Nuryadi, Y Ishikawa, M Tabe, Y Ono
Applied Physics Letters 87 (12), 2005
Transition from wire formation to island formation in thermal agglomeration of a (111) silicon-on-insulator layer
ZA Burhanudin, R Nuryadi, Y Ishikawa, M Tabe
Thin solid films 508 (1-2), 235-238, 2006
Detection of field-induced single-acceptor ionization in Si by single-hole-tunneling transistor
ZA Burhanudin, R Nuryadi, M Tabe
Applied Physics Letters 91 (4), 2007
Observation of CO detection using aluminum-doped ZnO nanorods on microcantilever
R Nuryadi, L Aprilia, M Hosoda, MA Barique, A Udhiarto, D Hartanto, ...
Sensors 20 (7), 2013, 2020
Influence of water vapor on CO detection using a resonant microcantilever functionalized by Al-doped ZnO nanorods
L Aprilia, M Hosoda, R Nuryadi, Y Neo, MA Barique, A Udhiarto, ...
Japanese Journal Of Applied Physics 58 (SB), SBBH09, 2019
Efek Adsorpsi Dye ke dalam Lapisan TiO2 dengan Metode Elektroforesis: DSSC Berbasis Lapisan TiO2 Terbuat dengan Metode Slip Casting dan Metode Elektroforesis
R Nuryadi
Jurnal Rekayasa Kimia & Lingkungan 8 (1), 2011
CO Gas-Induced Resonance Frequency Shift of ZnO-Functionalized Microcantilever in Humid Air.
L Aprilia, R Nuryadi, D Gustiono, A Udhiarto, D Hartanto, B Yuliarto, ...
Journal of Nanomaterials 2017, 4824607, 2017
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Articles 1–20