Diptarup Nandi
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Silent katydid females are at higher risk of bat predation than acoustically signalling katydid males
H Raghuram, R Deb, D Nandi, R Balakrishnan
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 282 (1798), 20142319, 2015
Call intensity is a repeatable and dominant acoustic feature determining male call attractiveness in a field cricket
D Nandi, R Balakrishnan
Animal behaviour 86 (5), 1003-1012, 2013
Modelling the effects of chorus species composition and caller density on acoustic masking interference in multispecies choruses of crickets and katydids
R Balakrishnan, J Bahuleyan, D Nandi, M Jain
Ecological informatics 21, 50-58, 2014
Examining the effectiveness of discriminant function analysis and cluster analysis in species identification of male field crickets based on their calling songs
R Jaiswara, D Nandi, R Balakrishnan
PloS one 8 (9), e75930, 2013
Spatio-temporal dynamics of field cricket calling behaviour: implications for female mate search and mate choice
D Nandi, R Balakrishnan
Plos one 11 (11), e0165807, 2016
Diagnosis of indigenous non-malarial vector-borne infections from malaria negative samples from community and rural hospital surveillance in Dhalai District, Tripura, North …
IP Bhowmick, A Pandey, SK Subbarao, R Pebam, T Majumder, A Nath, ...
Diagnostics 12 (2), 362, 2022
Multivariate genetic architecture reveals testosterone-driven sexual antagonism in contemporary humans
A Chakrabarty, S Chakraborty, D Nandi, A Basu
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 121 (24), e2404364121, 2024
Diagnosis of Indigenous Non-Malarial Vector-Borne Infections from Malaria Negative Samples from Community and Rural Hospital Surveillance in Dhalai District, Tripura, North …
IP Bhowmick, A Pandey, SK Subbarao, R Pebam, T Majumder, A Nath, ...
DOI: https://doi. org/10.3390/diagnostics12020362. PMID: https://www. ncbi …, 2022
A sensory ecological perspective on mate sampling strategies: simulation models and an empirical test
D Nandi, M Suswaram, R Balakrishnan
BioRxiv, 533489, 2019
Acoustic Signals, Mate Choice And Mate Sampling Strategies in a Field Cricket
D Nandi
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Articles 1–10