Babich L.G. | Babich Lidiya G. | Babich Lidiya | Бабич Л.Г. |  Бабіч Л.Г.
Babich L.G. | Babich Lidiya G. | Babich Lidiya | Бабич Л.Г. | Бабіч Л.Г.
Palladin Institute of Biochemistry, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
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Molecular signaling through G-protein-coupled receptors and the control of intracellular calcium in myometrium
BM Sanborn, CY Ku, S Shlykov, L Babich
The Journal of the Society for Gynecologic Investigation: JSGI 12 (7), 479-487, 2005
Calix [4] arenesulfonylamidines. Synthesis, structure and influence on Mg2+, ATP-dependent calcium pumps
R Rodik, V Boiko, O Danylyuk, K Suwinska, I Tsymbal, N Slinchenko, ...
Tetrahedron letters 46 (43), 7459-7462, 2005
Expression of capacitative calcium TrpC proteins in rat myometrium during pregnancy
LG Babich, CY Ku, HWJ Young, H Huang, MR Blackburn, BM Sanborn
Biology of reproduction 70 (4), 919-924, 2004
Expression of transient receptor channel proteins in human fundal myometrium in pregnancy
CY Ku, L Babich, RA Word, M Zhong, A Ulloa, M Monga, BM Sanborn
Journal of the Society for Gynecologic Investigation 13 (3), 217-225, 2006
Calix[4]arene N-chalconeamides: synthesis and influence on Mg2+,ATP-dependent Ca2+ accumulation in the smooth muscle subcellular structures
MA Klyachina, VI Boyko, AV Yakovenko, LG Babich, SG Shlykov, ...
Journal of Inclusion Phenomena and Macrocyclic Chemistry 60, 131-137, 2008
Effect of inhibitors of energy-dependent Ca2+-transporting systems on calcium pumps of a smooth muscle cell
SA Kosterin, NF Bratkova, LG Babich, OP Shinlova, NN Slinchenko, ...
Ukrainskii Biokhimicheskii Zhurnal (1978) 68 (6), 50-61, 1996
Energy-dependent Ca2+-transport in intracellular smooth muscle structures
LG Babich, SG Shlykov, LA Borisova, SA Kosterin
Biokhimiia (Moscow, Russia) 59 (8), 1218-1229, 1994
Выделение и характеристика фракции плазматических мембран миометрия свиньи
ТП Кондратюк, СФ Быченюк, ЛА Прищепа, ЛГ Бабич, МД Курский, ...
Укр. биохим. журн 58 (4), 50-56, 1986
Влияние ингибиторов энергозависимых Са2+-транспортирующих систем на кальциевые насосы гладкомышечно клетки
С Костерин, Н Браткова, Л Бабич, ОП Шинлова, НН Слинченко, ...
Укр. біохім. журн 68 (6), 50-61, 1996
Влияние этанола на внутриклеточный обмен Са2+
ЛГ Бабич, СГ Шлыков, ЛА Борисова
Укр. бioxiм. журн 74 (1), 19-25, 2002
Мембранні механізми регуляції концентрації іонів Са2+ у гладеньком’язових клітинах
ЛГ Бабіч
Укр. біохім. журн 71 (5), 10-22, 1999
Mg2+, ATP-dependent transport of Ca2+ in the endoplasmic reticulum of myometrial cells
SA Kosterin, LG Babich, SG Shlykov, NA Rovenets
Biokhimiia (Moscow, Russia) 61 (1), 73-81, 1996
Ca2+-dependent regulation of the Ca2+ concentration in the myometrium mitochondria. I. Trifluoperazine effects on mitochondria membranes polarization and Ca2+ m
LG Babich, SG Shlykov, AM Kushnarova, SO Kosterin
Ukrainian Biochemical Journal, 5-11, 2016
Modulation of myometrium mitochondrial membrane potential by calmodulin antagonists
SH Shlykov, LH Babich, MI Ievtushenko, SO Karakhim, SO Kosterin
Ukrainian biochemical journal 86 (1), 29-41, 2014
Mitochondrial ryanodine‐sensitive Ca2+ channels of rat liver
NI Kupynyak, OV Ikkert, SG Shlykov, LG Babich, VV Manko
Cell Biochemistry and Function 35 (1), 42-49, 2017
Evidence for Mg2, ATP-dependent accumulation of Ca2+ by the intracellular non-mitochondrial calcium store in uterine smooth muscle cells.
LG Babich, B ThV, SG Shlykov, SA Kosterin
Ukrainskii Biokhimicheskii Zhurnal (1978) 69 (2), 19-29, 1997
Effect of the membrane potential on the Mg2+, ATP-dependent transport of Ca2+ across smooth muscle sarcolemma
LG Babich, VP Fomin, SA Kosterin
Biokhimiia (Moscow, Russia) 55 (10), 1890-1901, 1990
Modulators of transmembrane calcium exchange in myometrium mitochondria change their hydrodynamic diameter
NV Kandaurova, C OIu, LG Babich, SG Shlykov, SO Kosterin
Ukrains' kyi Biokhimichnyi Zhurnal (1999) 82 (6), 52-57, 2010
Effect of Mg ions and spermine on ATP-dependent Ca2+ transport in myometrial intracellular structures. I. Comparative study of Ca2+ accumulation in mitochondria and …
LG Babich, LA Borisova, SG Shlykov, OV Titus, SA Kosterin
Ukrains' kyi Biokhimichnyi Zhurnal (1999) 76 (5), 52-60, 2004
The calcium pump in the sarcolemma controls smooth muscle relaxation
FV Burdyga, LF Babich, TT Taran, SA Kosterin
Biofizika 39 (2), 365-371, 1994
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