Пилипенко Андрій Петрович/ Pylypenko Andrii P./ Pylypenko Andriy P. / Пилипенко Андрей / A
Пилипенко Андрій Петрович/ Pylypenko Andrii P./ Pylypenko Andriy P. / Пилипенко Андрей / A
Доцент кафедри механіки, Національний
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Cited by
Effect of complex combined loading mode on the fracture toughness of titanium alloys
APP MG Chausov, PO Maruschak, V Hutsaylyuk, L Śnieżek
Vacuum 147, 51-57, 2018
Setup for Testing Materials with Plotting Complete Stress–Strain Diagrams
APPAMK N. G. Chausov, D. G. Voityuk
Strength of Materials 36, 532–537, 2004
Strain field evolution on the surface of aluminum sheet alloys exposed to specific impact with oscillation loading
MG Chausov, VB Berezin, AP Pylypenko, VB Hutsaylyuk
The Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design 50 (1), 61-72, 2015
Degradation of the main gas pipeline material and mechanisms of its fracture
AS Pavlo Maruschak, Iryna Danyliuk, Olegas Prentkovskis, Roman Bishchak ...
Journal of Civil Engineering and Management 20 (6), 864-872, 2014
Enhancing plasticity of high-strength titanium alloys VT 22 under impact-oscillatory loading
LM Mykola Chausov, Pavlo Maruschak, Andriy Pylypenko
Philosophical Magazine 97 (6), 389-399, 2017
Особенности деформирования пластичных материалов при динамических неравновесных процессах
НГ Чаусов, ЕЭ Засимчук, ЛИ Маркашова, ВЭ Вильдеман, ТВ Турчак, ...
Заводская лаборатория. Диагностика материалов 75 (6), 52-59, 2009
Damage and fracture of heat resistance steel under cyclic thermal loading
AP P Yasniy, P Maruschak, R Bishchak, V Hlado
Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 52 (1), 22-25, 2009
Influence of dynamic non-equilibrium processes on strength and plasticity of materials of transportation systems
M Chausov, A Pylypenko, V Berezin, K Volyanska, P Maruschak, ...
Transport 33 (1), 231-241, 2018
Modification of mechanical properties of high-strength titanium alloys VT23 and VT23m due to impact-oscillatory loading
A Chausov, M., Brezinová, J., Pylypenko, A., Maruschak, P. , Titova, L ...
Metals 9 (1), 80, 2019
Laws of deformation processes and fracture of plastic steel from the point of view of dynamic overloading
MG Chausov, AP Pylypenko
Mechanics 54 (4), 24-29, 2005
Effect of high-force impulse loads on the modification of mechanical properties of heat-resistant steel after service
M Chausov, P Maruschak, A Pylypenko, F Sergejev, O Student
Estonian Journal of Engineering 18 (3), 251, 2012
Features deformation plastic materials at the dynamic non-equilibrium processes
NG Chausov, EE Zasymchuk, LI Markashov, VE Vyldeman, TV Turchak, ...
Zavodskaya Laboratory. Diagnosis of materials 75 (6), 52-59, 2009
Cyclic deformation of aluminium alloys after the preliminary combined loading
V Hutsaylyuk, L Snieżek, M Chausov, J Torzewski, A Pylypenko, ...
Engineering Failure Analysis 69, 66-76, 2016
Особенности трансформации структуры пластичных материалов в процессе резких смен в режиме нагружения
ЕЭ Засимчук, ЛИ Маркашова, ТВ Турчак, НГ Чаусов, АП Пилипенко, ...
Физическая мезомеханика 12 (2), 77-82, 2009
Комплексная оценка поврежденности пластичных материалов при различных режимах нагружения
НГ Чаусов, СА Недосека, АП Пилипенко
Автоматическая сварка, 2004
Analysis of Inner Surface Roughness Parameters of Load-carrying and Support Elements of Mechanical Systems (RESEARCH NOTE)
VO Dzyura, PO Maruschak, IM Zakiev, AP Sorochak
International Journal of Engineering 30 (8), 1170-1175, 2017
Influence of impact-oscillatory loading upon the mechanical properties of the VT-22 titanium alloy sheet
MG Chausov, AP Pylypenko, VB Berezin, LI Markashova, ...
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 25, 3482-3492, 2016
Peculiarities of structural transformation in plastic materials under abrupt changes in loading conditions
EE Zasimchuk, LI Markashova, TV Turchak, NG Chausov, AP Pylypenko, ...
Physical Mesomechanics 12 (3-4), 175-179, 2009
Установка для испытаний материалов с построением полных диаграмм деформирования
НГ Чаусов, ДГ Войтюк, АП Пилипенко, АМ Кузьменко
Проблемы прочности, 2004
Influence of preliminary combined loading on low cyclic fatigue deformation of aluminum alloy D16ChATV
V Hutsaylyuk, L Snieżek, J Torzewski, M Chausov, V Berezin, ...
Procedia Engineering 114, 18-25, 2015
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