Kamlesh Pankaj
Kamlesh Pankaj
IIT(ISM) Dhanbad
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Cited by
Analysis of SH wave in hollow piezo-composite cylinder with coupled imperfect interface condition
S Kumari, SA Sahu, KK Pankaj
Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines 51 (4), 2080-2100, 2023
Analysis of mechanical vibration (SH wave) in Piezo-composite plates
SA Sahu, S Kumari, S Mondal, KK Pankaj
Materials Research Express 6 (12), 125705, 2019
Surface wave transference in a piezoelectric cylinder coated with reinforced material
KK Pankaj, SA Sahu, S Kumari
Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 41, 123-138, 2020
Transference of Love-type waves in a bedded structure containing a functionally graded material and a porous piezoelectric medium
S Mondal, SA Sahu, KK Pankaj
Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 40, 1083-1096, 2019
Analysis of torsional waves in a prestressed composite structure with loosely bonded and corrugated boundaries
SA Sahu, MK Singh, KK Pankaj
Mechanics of Composite Materials 54, 321-332, 2018
Modeling of SH-wave propagation in a pre-stressed highly anisotropic layered structure
SA Sahu, KK Pankaj, S Kumari
Mathematical Geosciences 51, 419-436, 2019
On the group velocity of Love-type waves in composite structure loaded with viscous fluid
K Kumar Pankaj, S Anand Sahu, S Kumari
Waves in Random and Complex Media 32 (2), 541-556, 2022
Torsional Wave Frequency in Corrugated Poroelastic Layer Bonded Between Anisotropic Media
SA Sahu, KK Pankaj, S Kumari
Technische Mechanik. Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift für Grundlagen und …, 2018
Modelling of Stoneley wave transference at the frictional interface between ice and rock medium
SA Sahu, S Kumari, KK Pankaj
Archive of Applied Mechanics 91, 2467-2480, 2021
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Articles 1–9