Sima Alidokht, Ph.D., P.Eng
Sima Alidokht, Ph.D., P.Eng
Materials Engineering, McGill University
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Microstructure and tribological performance of an aluminium alloy based hybrid composite produced by friction stir processing
SA Alidokht, A Abdollah-Zadeh, S Soleymani, H Assadi
Materials & Design 32 (5), 2727-2733, 2011
Microstructural and tribological properties of Al5083 based surface hybrid composite produced by friction stir processing
S Soleymani, A Abdollah-Zadeh, SA Alidokht
Wear 278, 41-47, 2012
Effect of applied load on the dry sliding wear behaviour and the subsurface deformation on hybrid metal matrix composite
SA Alidokht, A Abdollah-Zadeh, H Assadi
Wear 305 (1-2), 291-298, 2013
Evaluation of microstructure and wear behavior of friction stir processed cast aluminum alloy
SA Alidokht, A Abdollah-Zadeh, S Soleymani, T Saeid, H Assadi
Materials Characterization 63, 90-97, 2012
Cold spray deposition of a Ni-WC composite coating and its dry sliding wear behavior
SA Alidokht, P Manimunda, P Vo, S Yue, RR Chromik
Surface and Coatings Technology 308, 424-434, 2016
Erosive wear behavior of Cold-Sprayed Ni-WC composite coating
SA Alidokht, P Vo, S Yue, RR Chromik
Wear 376, 566-577, 2017
Room and elevated temperature sliding wear behavior of cold sprayed Ni-WC composite coatings
TB Torgerson, MD Harris, SA Alidokht, TW Scharf, SM Aouadi, ...
Surface and Coatings Technology 350, 136-145, 2018
Effect of WC morphology on dry sliding wear behavior of cold-sprayed Ni-WC composite coatings
SA Alidokht, S Yue, RR Chromik
Surface and Coatings Technology 357, 849-863, 2019
Microstructural and tribological behavior of thermal spray CrMnFeCoNi high entropy alloy coatings
P Patel, SA Alidokht, N Sharifi, A Roy, K Harrington, P Stoyanov, ...
Journal of Thermal Spray Technology 31 (4), 1285-1301, 2022
Microstructure and mechanical behavior of pulsed laser surface melted AISI D2 cold work tool steel
N Yasavol, A Abdollah-Zadeh, M Ganjali, SA Alidokht
Applied Surface Science 265, 653-662, 2013
Role of third bodies in friction and wear of cold-sprayed Ti and Ti–TiC composite coatings
SA Alidokht, VNV Munagala, RR Chromik
Tribology Letters 65, 1-15, 2017
Sliding wear behavior of cold-sprayed Ni-WC composite coatings: Influence OF WC content
SA Alidokht, RR Chromik
Wear 477, 203792, 2021
Cold spray deposition of Ni and WC-reinforced Ni matrix composite coatings
SA Alidokht, P Vo, S Yue, RR Chromik
Journal of Thermal Spray Technology 26, 1908-1921, 2017
Tribological coatings prepared by cold spray
RR Chromik, SA Alidokht, JM Shockley, Y Zhang
Cold-Spray Coatings: Recent Trends and Future Perspectives, 321-348, 2018
Friction and wear behavior of suspension plasma sprayed tantalum oxide coatings at elevated temperatures
PS Amit Roy, Venkata naga vamsi Munagala, Payank Patel, Navid Sharifi, Sima ...
Surface and Coatings Technology, 2022
High temperature sliding wear behavior and mechanisms of cold-sprayed Ti and Ti–TiC composite coatings
MV Koricherla, TB Torgerson, SA Alidokht, VNV Munagala, RR Chromik, ...
Wear 476, 203746, 2021
Strain-induced martensite to austenite reverse transformation in an ultrafine-grained Fe–Ni–Mn martensitic steel
H Ghasemi-Nanesa, M Nili-Ahmadabadi, HR Koohdar, M Habibi-Parsa, ...
Philosophical Magazine 94 (13), 1493-1507, 2014
Improvement in tribological properties of surface layer of an al alloy by friction stir processing
S Soheyl, A Amir, A Sima Ahamd
Journal of surface engineered materials and advanced technology 2011, 2011
Wear resistant solid lubricating coatings via compression molding and thermal spraying technologies
SM Gateman, SA Alidokht, E Mena-Morcillo, R Schulz, RR Chromik, ...
Surface and Coatings Technology 426, 127790, 2021
Insights on silver migration mechanisms and their influence on the wear behavior of thermally sprayed self-lubricating coatings up to 350° C
BCNM de Castilho, VNV Munagala, SA Alidokht, N Sharifi, S Bessette, ...
Tribology Letters 70 (4), 120, 2022
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Articles 1–20