Romeo Brunetti
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Cited by
The generally covariant locality principle–a new paradigm for local quantum field theory
R Brunetti, K Fredenhagen, R Verch
Communications in Mathematical Physics 237, 31-68, 2003
Microlocal Analysis and¶ Interacting Quantum Field Theories:¶ Renormalization on Physical Backgrounds
R Brunetti, K Fredenhagen
Communications in Mathematical Physics 208, 623-661, 2000
The microlocal spectrum condition and Wick polynomials of free fields on curved spacetimes
R Brunetti, K Fredenhagen, M Köhler
Communications in Mathematical Physics 180, 633-652, 1996
Modular structure and duality in conformal quantum field theory
R Brunetti, D Guido, R Longo
Communications in Mathematical Physics 156, 201-219, 1993
Modular localization and Wigner particles
R Brunetti, D Guido, R Longo
Reviews in Mathematical Physics 14 (07n08), 759-785, 2002
Perturbative algebraic quantum field theory and the renormalization groups
R Brunetti, M Dütsch, K Fredenhagen
Advances in algebraic quantum field theory
R Brunetti, C Dappiaggi, K Fredenhagen, J Yngvason
Springer International Publishing, 2015
Quantum gravity from the point of view of locally covariant quantum field theory
R Brunetti, K Fredenhagen, K Rejzner
Communications in Mathematical Physics 345, 741-779, 2016
Quantum field theory on curved backgrounds
R Brunetti, K Fredenhagen
Quantum Field Theory on Curved Spacetimes: Concepts and Mathematical …, 2009
Time of occurrence observable in quantum mechanics
R Brunetti, K Fredenhagen
Physical Review A 66 (4), 044101, 2002
Time in quantum physics: from an external parameter to an intrinsic observable
R Brunetti, K Fredenhagen, M Hoge
Foundations of Physics 40, 1368-1378, 2010
Algebraic structure of classical field theory: Kinematics and linearized dynamics for real scalar fields
R Brunetti, K Fredenhagen, PL Ribeiro
Communications in Mathematical Physics 368, 519-584, 2019
Interacting Quantum Fields in Curved Space: Renormalizability of
R Brunetti, K Fredenhagen
arXiv preprint gr-qc/9701048, 1997
Group cohomology, modular theory and space-time symmetries
R Brunetti, D Guido, R Longo
Reviews in Mathematical Physics 7 (01), 57-71, 1995
A remark on alpha vacua for quantum field theories on de Sitter space
R Brunetti, K Fredenhagen, S Hollands
Journal of High Energy Physics 2005 (05), 063, 2005
Cosmological perturbation theory and quantum gravity
R Brunetti, K Fredenhagen, TP Hack, N Pinamonti, K Rejzner
Journal of High Energy Physics 2016 (8), 1-20, 2016
Remarks on time-energy uncertainty relations
R Brunetti, K Fredenhagen
Reviews in Mathematical Physics 14 (07n08), 897-903, 2002
Quantum charges and spacetime topology: The emergence of new superselection sectors
R Brunetti, G Ruzzi
Communications in mathematical physics 287, 523-563, 2009
Towards a background independent formulation of perturbative quantum gravity
R Brunetti, K Fredenhagen
Quantum Gravity: Mathematical Models and Experimental Bounds, 151-159, 2007
Superselection sectors and general covariance. I
R Brunetti, G Ruzzi
Communications in mathematical physics 270 (1), 69-108, 2007
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Articles 1–20