Articles with public access mandates - Beatriz Garcia OsmaLearn more
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Accounting conservatism and firm investment efficiency
JMG Lara, BG Osma, F Penalva
Journal of accounting and economics 61 (1), 221-238, 2016
Mandates: Government of Spain
Conditional conservatism and cost of capital
JM García Lara, B García Osma, F Penalva
Review of accounting studies 16 (2), 247-271, 2011
Mandates: Government of Spain
The monitoring role of female directors over accounting quality
JMG Lara, BG Osma, A Mora, M Scapin
Journal of Corporate Finance 45, 651-668, 2017
Mandates: Government of Spain
Conditional conservatism and the limits to earnings management
JMG Lara, BG Osma, F Penalva
Journal of Accounting and Public Policy 39 (4), 106738, 2020
Mandates: Government of Spain
Information consequences of accounting conservatism
JM García Lara, B Garcia Osma, F Penalva
European Accounting Review 23 (2), 173-198, 2014
Mandates: Government of Spain
Stakeholders versus Firm Communication in Social Media: The Case of Twitter and Corporate Social Responsibility Information
P Gómez-Carrasco, E Guillamón-Saorín, B Garcia Osma
European Accounting Review 30 (1), 31-62, 2021
Mandates: Government of Spain
Opportunistic Disclosure in Press Release Headlines
E Guillamon Saorin, B Garcia Osma, MJ Jones
Mandates: Government of Spain
Management control systems and real earnings management: Effects on firm performance
BG Osma, J Gomez-Conde, E Lopez-Valeiras
Management accounting research 55, 100781, 2022
Mandates: Government of Spain
Prudential supervisors’ independence and income smoothing in European banks
BG Osma, A Mora, L Porcuna-Enguix
Journal of Banking & Finance 102, 156-176, 2019
Mandates: Government of Spain
Public oversight systems for statutory auditors in the European Union
B García Osma, A Gisbert, E de las Heras Cristóbal
European Journal of Law and Economics 44, 517-552, 2017
Mandates: Government of Spain
The usefulness of financial accounting information: Evidence from the field
S Cascino, MA Clatworthy, B Garcia Osma, J Gassen, S Imam
The Accounting Review 96 (6), 73-102, 2021
Mandates: German Research Foundation, Government of Spain
Debt pressure and interactive use of control systems: Effects on cost of debt
BG Osma, J Gomez-Conde, E de las Heras
Management Accounting Research 40, 27-46, 2018
Mandates: Government of Spain
Accounting conservatism and the profitability of corporate insiders
A Khalilov, BG Osma
Journal of Business Finance & Accounting 47 (3-4), 333-364, 2020
Mandates: Government of Spain
Strategic accounting choice around firm-level labor negotiations
B García Osma, A Mora, AM Sabater
Journal of Accounting, Auditing & Finance 30 (2), 246-277, 2015
Mandates: Government of Spain
Earnings management and impression management
E Guillamon Saorin, B Garcia Osma, W Aerts
Available at SSRN 2756424, 2016
Mandates: Government of Spain
Insider trading restrictions and earnings management
B Garcia Osma, E Scarlat, K Shields
Accounting and Business Research 50 (3), 205-237, 2020
Mandates: Government of Spain
Do commonalities facilitate private information channels? Evidence from common gender and insider trading
I Clacher, BG Osma, E Scarlat, K Shields
Journal of Corporate Finance 70, 102062, 2021
Mandates: Government of Spain
Quarterly earnings guidance and real earnings management
B García Osma, E Guillamón Saorín, F Mercado
Journal of Business Finance & Accounting 50 (5-6), 1029-1059, 2023
Mandates: Government of Spain
The role of users’ engagement in shaping financial reporting: should activists target accounting more?
B Garcia Osma, C Grande-Herrera
Accounting and Business Research 51 (5), 511-544, 2021
Mandates: Government of Spain
Opinion-shopping: firm versus partner-level evidence
BG Osma, B Gill-de-Albornoz Noguer, E De Las Heras Cristóbal, ...
Accounting and Business Research 52 (7), 773-814, 2022
Mandates: Government of Spain
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