Dr. Anoop Shukla
Dr. Anoop Shukla
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Effect of surface treatment on electrochemical behavior of CP Ti, Ti–6Al–4V and Ti–13Nb–13Zr alloys in simulated human body fluid
AK Shukla, R Balasubramaniam
Corrosion Science 48 (7), 1696-1720, 2006
Properties of passive film formed on CP titanium, Ti–6Al–4V and Ti–13.4 Al–29Nb alloys in simulated human body conditions
AK Shukla, R Balasubramaniam, S Bhargava
Intermetallics 13 (6), 631-637, 2005
Processing of copper–carbon nanotube composites by vacuum hot pressing technique
AK Shukla, N Nayan, S Murty, SC Sharma, P Chandran, SR Bakshi, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: A 560, 365-371, 2013
Processing and characterization of spark plasma sintered copper/carbon nanotube composites
N Nayan, AK Shukla, P Chandran, SR Bakshi, S Murty, B Pant, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: A 682, 229-237, 2017
Processing copper–carbon nanotube composite powders by high energy milling
AK Shukla, N Nayan, S Murty, K Mondal, SC Sharma, KM George, ...
Materials characterization 84, 58-66, 2013
Constitutive modeling of hot deformation behavior of vacuum hot pressed Cu–8Cr–4Nb alloy
AK Shukla, SVSN Murty, SC Sharma, K Mondal
Materials & Design 75, 57-64, 2015
Effect of replacement of V by Fe and Nb on passive film behavior of Ti–6Al–4V in simulated body fluid conditions
AK Shukla, R Balasubramaniam, S Bhargava
Journal of alloys and compounds 389 (1-2), 144-152, 2005
Aging behavior and microstructural stability of a Cu–8Cr–4Nb alloy
AK Shukla, SVSN Murty, SC Sharma, K Mondal
Journal of alloys and compounds 590, 514-525, 2014
Synthesis and Characterization of A356-Sicp Composite Produced through Vacuum Hot Pressing
K Jayakumar, J Mathew, MA Joseph, RS Kumar, AK Shukla, MG Samuel
Materials and manufacturing processes 28 (9), 991-998, 2013
Effect of powder milling on mechanical properties of hot-pressed and hot-rolled Cu–Cr–Nb alloy
AK Shukla, SVSN Murty, RS Kumar, K Mondal
Journal of alloys and compounds 580, 427-434, 2013
Densification behavior and mechanical properties of Cu–Cr–Nb alloy powders
AK Shukla, SVSN Murty, RS Kumar, K Mondal
Materials Science and Engineering: A 551, 241-248, 2012
Enhancement of high temperature ductility of hot-pressed Cu–Cr–Nb alloy by hot rolling
AK Shukla, RS Kumar, SVSN Murty, K Mondal
Materials Science and Engineering: A 577, 36-42, 2013
On the comparison of graphene and multi-wall carbon nanotubes as reinforcements in aluminum alloy AA2219 processed by ball milling and spark plasma sintering
LK Pillari, AK Shukla, SVSN Murty, V Umasankar
Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals 71, 1099-1112, 2018
Effect of powder oxidation on densification and properties of vacuum hot pressed Cu–Cr–Nb alloy
AK Shukla, MG Samuel, RS Kumar, SVSN Murty, K Mondal
Materials Science and Engineering: A 561, 452-459, 2013
Processing and characterization of graphene and multi-wall carbon nanotube-reinforced aluminium alloy AA2219 composites processed by ball milling and vacuum hot pressing
LK Pillari, AK Shukla, SVSN Murty, V Umasankar
Metallography, Microstructure, and Analysis 6, 289-303, 2017
Integrity of structural and thermo-structural materials for Indian space programme
AK Shukla, VMJ Sharma, SVSN Murty, PR Narayanan, SC Sharma
Procedia Engineering 86, 8-17, 2014
Effect of carbon nanotube dispersion on mechanical properties of aluminum-silicon alloy matrix composites
P Chandran, T Sirimuvva, N Nayan, AK Shukla, SVSN Murty, SL Pramod, ...
Journal of materials engineering and performance 23, 1028-1037, 2014
Spark plasma sintering of dispersion hardened Cu–Cr–Nb alloy powders
AK Shukla, SVSN Murty, RS Kumar, K Mondal
Journal of alloys and compounds 577, 70-78, 2013
Processing and characterization of yttria-dispersed Inconel 718 ODS alloy
MS Dhanya, AK Shukla, S Dineshraj, RR Kumar, K Prabhakaran, ...
Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals 72, 1395-1398, 2019
The serrated flow and recrystallization in dispersion hardened Cu–Cr–Nb alloy during hot deformation
AK Shukla, SVSN Murty, SC Sharma, K Mondal
Materials Science and Engineering: A 673, 135-140, 2016
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Articles 1–20