Camila S. Barros
Camila S. Barros
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
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Indirect effects of habitat loss via habitat fragmentation: A cross-taxa analysis of forest-dependent species
T Püttker, R Crouzeilles, M Almeida-Gomes, M Schmoeller, D Maurenza, ...
Biological Conservation 241, 108368, 2020
Assessing the utility of statistical adjustments for imperfect detection in tropical conservation science
C Banks‐Leite, R Pardini, D Boscolo, CR Cassano, T Püttker, CS Barros, ...
Journal of Applied Ecology 51 (4), 849-859, 2014
Vivendo em um mundo em pedaços: efeitos da fragmentação florestal sobre comunidades e populações animais
AS Pires, FAS Fernandez, CS Barros
Biologia da Conservação: Essências. São Carlos, São Paulo, Brazil, 231-260, 2006
ATLANTIC MAMMAL TRAITS: a data set of morphological traits of mammals in the Atlantic Forest of South America
F Gonçalves, RS Bovendorp, G Beca, C Bello, R Costa‐Pereira, ...
Ecology 99 (2), 498-498, 2018
Immigration rates in fragmented landscapes–empirical evidence for the importance of habitat amount for species persistence
T Puettker, AA Bueno, C dos Santos de Barros, S Sommer, R Pardini
PloS one 6 (11), e27963, 2011
Habitat specialization interacts with habitat amount to determine dispersal success of rodents in fragmented landscapes
T Püttker, AA Bueno, C dos Santos de Barros, S Sommer, R Pardini
Journal of Mammalogy 94 (3), 714-726, 2013
Abundance of small mammals in the Atlantic Forest (ASMAF): a data set for analyzing tropical community patterns
MSL Figueiredo, CS Barros, AC Delciellos, EB Guerra, P Cordeiro-Estrela, ...
Ecology 98 (11), 2981, 2017
Habitat fragmentation affects individual condition: evidence from small mammals of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest
AC Delciellos, CS Barros, JA Prevedello, MS Ferreira, R Cerqueira, ...
Journal of Mammalogy 99 (4), 936-945, 2018
Reproduction of the opossums Micoureus paraguayanus and Philander frenata in a fragmented Atlantic Forest landscape in Brazil: Is seasonal reproduction a …
CS Barros, R Crouzeilles, FAS Fernandez
Mammalian Biology 73, 463-467, 2008
Determinants of capture-recapture success: an evaluation of trapping methods to estimate population and community parameters for Atlantic forest small mammals
CS Barros, BT Püttker, T, Pinotti, R Pardini
Zoologia 32 (5), 334, 2015
Suitability of distance metrics as indexes of home-range size in tropical rodent species
T Püttker, CDS De Barros, TK Martins, S Sommer, R Pardini
Journal of Mammalogy 93 (1), 115-123, 2012
Mamíferos do Parque Nacional da Serra dos Órgãos: atualização da lista de espécies e implicações para a conservação
C Cronemberger, AC Delciellos, CS Barros, R Gentile, M Weksler, ...
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, 2019
Timing and environmental cues associated with triggering of reproductive activity in Atlantic forest marsupials
CS Barros, T Püttker, R Pardini
Mammalian Biology 80, 141-147, 2015
Biased sex ratios in populations of the woolly mouse opossum Micoureus demerarae in Atlantic Coastal Forest fragments
FAS Fernandez, CS Barros, M Sandino
Natureza e Conservação 1, 78-84, 2003
Co-occurrence patterns of rodents at multiple spatial scales: competitive release of generalists following habitat loss?
T Püttker, CS Barros, BT Pinotti, AA Bueno, R Pardini
Journal of Mammalogy 100 (4), 1229-1242, 2019
Philander frenatus e Metachirus nudicaudatus: competição ou necessidades ecológicas diferentes na Floresta Atlântica?
R Crouzeilles, CS Barros, FAS Fernandez
Mastozoología neotropical 17 (1), 135-140, 2010
Long distance and short time movement of a small neotropical marsupial
CS Barros, TK Martins, T Puettker, R Pardini
Oecologia Australis 20 (3), 75-79, 2016
Is oecologia australis promoting gender equality in its review process?
CS de Barros, N Pistón, AC Delciellos, M de Souza Leite
Oecologia Australis 25 (3), 642-647, 2021
Impact of Habitat Loss and Fragmentation in Assemblages, Populations, and Individuals of American Marsupials
MV Vieira, CS Barros, AC Delciellos
American and Australasian Marsupials: An Evolutionary, Biogeographical, and …, 2023
Sensitivity of seed germination to water stress in high‐altitude populations of a threatened palm species
AS Dos Santos, MIG Braz, C Dos Santos de Barros, ...
Plant Biology 25 (4), 593-602, 2023
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Articles 1–20