Mohamed Elkarmoty
Mohamed Elkarmoty
Cairo University - Faculty of Engineering
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Suitability evaluation of specific shallow geothermal technologies using a GIS-based multi criteria decision analysis implementing the analytic hierarchic process
F Tinti, S Kasmaee, M Elkarmoty, S Bonduà, V Bortolotti
Energies 11 (2), 457, 2018
In-situ GPR test for three-dimensional mapping of the dielectric constant in a rock mass
M Elkarmoty, C Colla, E Gabrielli, P Papeschi, S Bonduà, R Bruno
Journal of Applied Geophysics 146, 1-15, 2017
Implementation of a fracture modeling strategy based on georadar survey in a large area of limestone quarry bench
M Elkarmoty, F Tinti, S Kasmaeeyazdi, F Giannino, S Bonduà, R Bruno
Geosciences 8 (12), 481, 2018
3D modeling of discontinuities using GPR in a commercial size ornamental limestone block
M Elkarmoty, F Tinti, S Kasmaeeyazdi, S Bonduà, R Bruno
Construction and Building Materials 166, 81-86, 2018
Mapping and modelling fractures using ground penetrating radar for ornamental stone assessment and recovery optimization: Two case studies
M Elkarmoty, C Colla, E Gabrielli, S Kasmaeeyazdi, F Tinti, S Bonduà, ...
Rudarsko-geološko-naftni zbornik 32 (4), 63-76, 2017
Evaluation of mining projects subjected to economic uncertainties using the Monte Carlo simulation and the binomial tree method: Case study in a phosphate mine in Egypt
A Kamel, M Elwageeh, S Bonduà, M Elkarmoty
Resources Policy 80, 103266, 2023
Damage evolution of granodiorite after heating and cooling treatments
ME Gomah, G Li, S Bader, M Elkarmoty, M Ismael
Minerals 11 (7), 779, 2021
A combination of GPR survey and laboratory rock tests for evaluating an ornamental stone deposit in a quarry bench
M Elkarmoty, C Colla, E Gabrielli, S Bonduà, R Bruno
Precise characterization of a corridor-shaped structure in Khufu’s Pyramid by observation of cosmic-ray muons
S Procureur, K Morishima, M Kuno, Y Manabe, N Kitagawa, A Nishio, ...
Nature Communications 14 (1), 1144, 2023
Deterministic three-dimensional rock mass fracture modeling from geo-radar survey: A case study in a sandstone quarry in Italy
M Elkarmoty, C Colla, E Gabrielli, S Bonduà, R Bruno
Environmental & Engineering Geoscience 23 (4), 314-331, 2017
Localization and shape determination of a hidden corridor in the Great Pyramid of Giza using non-destructive testing
M Elkarmoty, J Rupfle, K Helal, M Sholqamy, M Fath-Elbab, J Kollofrath, ...
NDT & E International 139, 102809, 2023
A 3D optimization algorithm for sustainable cutting of slabs from ornamental stone blocks
M Elkarmoty, S Bonduà, R Bruno
Resources Policy 65, 101533, 2020
Macroscopic and microscopic research on Egyptian granodiorite behavior exposed to the various heating and cooling strategies
ME Gomah, G Li, C Sun, X Jiahui, Y Sen, L Jinghua, M Ismael, ...
Geomechanics and Geophysics for Geo-Energy and Geo-Resources 8 (5), 158, 2022
Experimental calibration of underground heat transfer models under a winery building in a rural area
F Tinti, A Barbaresi, M Ferrari, M Elkarmoty, D Torreggiani, P Tassinari, ...
Rudarsko-geološko-naftni zbornik 32 (3), 43-43, 2017
Environmental and economic optimization for block cutting of dimension stones in a limestone quarry
E Şirin, S Bonduà, M Elkarmoty
Resources Policy 74, 102396, 2021
A 3D brute-force algorithm for the optimum cutting pattern of dimension stone quarries
M Elkarmoty, S Bonduà, R Bruno
Resources Policy 68, 101761, 2020
Performance prediction of hydraulic breakers in excavation of a rock mass
M Ismael, K Abdelghafar, M Sholqamy, M Elkarmoty
Rudarsko-geološko-naftni zbornik 36 (4), 2021
the effect of rock type and test method on the relationship between MODE I fracture toughness and rock tensile strength
M Ameen, M Elwageeh, A Abdelaziz, M Elkarmoty
Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, 1-33, 2024
Study of the relationship between mode I fracture toughness and rock brittleness indices
M Ameen, M Elwageeh, A Abdelaziz, S Bonduà, M Elkarmoty
Applied Sciences 13 (18), 10378, 2023
Application of low frequency GPR antenna to fractures detection and 3D visualization in a new quarry bench (poster)
M Elkarmoty, C Colla, E Gabrielli, S Bonduà, R Bruno
Journal of Geology and Geophysics, Proceedings of the International …, 2016
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Articles 1–20