Bruce Char
Bruce Char
Profesor of Computer Science, Drexel University
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Maple V library reference manual
BW Char, KO Geddes, GH Gonnet, BL Leong, MB Monagan, S Watt
Springer Science & Business Media, 2013
MAPLE reference manual
BW Char
Watcom Publications, 1988
First leaves: a tutorial introduction to Maple V
BW Char, KO Geddes, GH Gonnet, BL Leong, MB Monagan, SM Watt
Springer Science & Business Media, 2012
Maple User's Guide: First Leaves: a Tutorial Introduction to Maple, and Maple Reference Manual
BW Char
Watcom Publications, 1985
A tutorial introduction to Maple
BW Char, GJ Fee, KO Geddes, GH Gonnet, MB Monagan
Journal of Symbolic Computation 2 (2), 179-200, 1986
The design of Maple: A compact, portable, and powerful computer algebra system
BW Char, KO Geddes, WM Gentleman, GH Gonnet
Computer Algebra: EUROCAL'83, European Computer Algebra Conference London …, 1983
Progress report on a system for general-purpose parallel symbolic algebraic computation
BW Char
Proceedings of the international symposium on Symbolic and algebraic …, 1990
Redesigning introductory computer programming using multi-level online modules for a mixed audience
N Herrmann, JL Popyack, B Char, P Zoski, CD Cera, RN Lass, ...
Proceedings of the 34th SIGCSE technical symposium on Computer science …, 2003
Language Reference Manual
BW Char, KO Geddes, GH Gonnet, BL Leong, MB Monagan, SM Watt, ...
Spring-en Verlag, 1991
Representing and characterizing handwritten mathematical symbols through succinct functional approximation
BW Char, SM Watt
Ninth International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR …, 2007
GCDHEU: Heuristic polynomial GCD algorithm based on integer GCD computation
BW Char, KO Geddes, GH Gonnet
Journal of Symbolic Computation 7 (1), 31-48, 1989
Symbolic computation in Java: an appraisement
L Bernardin, B Char, E Kaltofen
Proceedings of the 1999 international symposium on Symbolic and algebraic …, 1999
GCDHEU: Heuristic polynomial GCD algorithm based on integer GCD computation
BW Char, KO Geddes, GH Gonnet
International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Manipulation, 285-296, 1984
Programming in game space: how to represent parallel programming concepts in an educational game
J Zhu, K Alderfer, A Furqan, J Nebolsky, B Char, B Smith, J Villareale, ...
Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on the Foundations of …, 2019
Maple 8 learning guide
BW Char
Waterloo Maple, 2002
The Maple symbolic computation system
B Char, K Geddes, G Gonnet
ACM SIGSAM Bulletin 17 (3-4), 31-42, 1983
On Stieltjes’ continued fraction for the gamma function
BW Char
Mathematics of Computation 34 (150), 547-551, 1980
Tracing player knowledge in a parallel programming educational game
P Kantharaju, K Alderfer, J Zhu, B Char, B Smith, S Ontanón
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence and …, 2018
Academic dishonesty in a high-tech environment
JL Popyack, N Herrmann, P Zoski, B Char, C Cera, RN Lass
ACM SIGCSE Bulletin 35 (1), 357-358, 2003
On the design and performance of the Maple system
BW Char, GJ Fee, KO Geddes, GH Gonnet, MB Monagen, SM Watt
University of Waterloo. Department of Computer Science, 1984
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Articles 1–20