Hebin Li
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Resonance lineshapes in two-dimensional Fourier transform spectroscopy
ME Siemens, G Moody, H Li, AD Bristow, ST Cundiff
Optics Express 18 (17), 17699-17708, 2010
Electromagnetically induced transparency controlled by a microwave field
H Li, VA Sautenkov, YV Rostovtsev, GR Welch, PR Hemmer, MO Scully
Physical Review A 80 (2), 023820, 2009
Quantum droplets of electrons and holes
AE Almand-Hunter, H Li, ST Cundiff, M Mootz, M Kira, SW Koch
Nature 506 (7489), 471-475, 2014
Two-dimensional double-quantum spectra reveal collective resonances in an atomic vapor
X Dai, M Richter, H Li, AD Bristow, C Falvo, S Mukamel, ST Cundiff
Physical Review Letters 108 (19), 193201, 2012
Unraveling quantum pathways using optical 3D Fourier-transform spectroscopy
H Li, AD Bristow, ME Siemens, G Moody, ST Cundiff
Nature communications 4 (1), 1-9, 2013
Optical imaging beyond the diffraction limit via dark states
H Li, VA Sautenkov, MM Kash, AV Sokolov, GR Welch, YV Rostovtsev, ...
Physical Review A 78 (1), 013803, 2008
Coherent excitonic coupling in an asymmetric double InGaAs quantum well arises from many-body effects
G Nardin, G Moody, R Singh, TM Autry, H Li, F Morier-Genoud, ST Cundiff
Physical review letters 112 (4), 046402, 2014
Valley trion dynamics in monolayer MoSe2
F Gao, Y Gong, M Titze, R Almeida, PM Ajayan, H Li
Physical Review B 94, 245413, 2016
Straining effects in MoS 2 monolayer on nanostructured substrates: temperature-dependent photoluminescence and exciton dynamics
Y Hu, F Zhang, M Titze, B Deng, H Li, GJ Cheng
Nanoscale 10 (12), 5717-5724, 2018
Influence of confinement on biexciton binding in semiconductor quantum dot ensembles measured with two-dimensional spectroscopy
G Moody, R Singh, H Li, IA Akimov, M Bayer, D Reuter, AD Wieck, ...
Physical Review B 87 (4), 041304, 2013
Coherent coupling of excitons and trions in a photoexcited CdTe/CdMgTe quantum well
G Moody, IA Akimov, H Li, R Singh, DR Yakovlev, G Karczewski, M Wiater, ...
Physical review letters 112 (9), 097401, 2014
Observation of picosecond superfluorescent pulses in rubidium atomic vapor pumped by 100-fs laser pulses
GO Ariunbold, MM Kash, VA Sautenkov, H Li, YV Rostovtsev, GR Welch, ...
Physical Review A 82 (4), 043421, 2010
Fifth-order nonlinear optical response of excitonic states in an InAs quantum dot ensemble measured with two-dimensional spectroscopy
G Moody, R Singh, H Li, IA Akimov, M Bayer, D Reuter, AD Wieck, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 87 (4), 045313, 2013
Excitation of atomic coherence using off-resonant strong laser pulses
YV Rostovtsev, H Eleuch, A Svidzinsky, H Li, V Sautenkov, MO Scully
Physical Review A 79 (6), 63833, 2009
Persistent exciton-type many-body interactions in GaAs quantum wells measured using two-dimensional optical spectroscopy
DB Turner, P Wen, DH Arias, KA Nelson, H Li, G Moody, ME Siemens, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 85 (20), 201303, 2012
Optical 2-D Fourier Transform Spectroscopy of Excitons in Semiconductor Nanostructures
ST Cundiff, AD Bristow, M Siemens, H Li, G Moody, D Karaiskaj, X Dai, ...
Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, IEEE Journal of 18 (1), 318-328, 2012
Ultradispersive adaptive prism based on a coherently prepared atomic medium
VA Sautenkov, H Li, YV Rostovtsev, MO Scully
Physical Review A 81 (6), 063824, 2010
Carrier-Envelope Phase Effect on Atomic Excitation by Few-Cycle rf Pulses
H Li, VA Sautenkov, YV Rostovtsev, MM Kash, PM Anisimov, GR Welch, ...
Physical review letters 104 (10), 103001, 2010
Probing dipole–dipole interaction in a rubidium gas via double-quantum 2D spectroscopy
F Gao, ST Cundiff, H Li
Optics letters 41 (13), 2954-2957, 2016
Observation of scalable and deterministic multi-atom Dicke states in an atomic vapor
S Yu, M Titze, Y Zhu, X Liu, H Li
Optics Letters 44 (11), 2795-2798, 2019
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