Mark Franklin
Mark Franklin
Reitemeyer Professor Emeritus, Trinity College Connecticut
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Cited by
Voter turnout and the dynamics of electoral competition in established democracies since 1945
MN Franklin
Cambridge University Press, 2004
Electoral change: Responses to evolving social and attitudinal structures in Western countries
M Franklin, T Mackie, H Valen
ECPR Press, 2024
Choosing Europe? The European electorate and national politics in the face of union
C Van der Eijk, MN Franklin
Ann Arbor (Mich.) The University of Michigan Press, 1996
Potential for contestation on European matters at national elections in Europe
C Van der Eijk, MN Franklin
European integration and political conflict, 32-50, 2004
The economy and the vote: Economic conditions and elections in fifteen countries
W Van der Brug, C Van der Eijk, M Franklin
Cambridge University Press, 2007
Electoral participation
MN Franklin
Comparing democracies: Elections and voting in global perspective, 216-235, 1996
Uncorking the bottle: Popular opposition to European unification in the wake of Maastricht
M Franklin, M Marsh, L McLaren
J. Common Mkt. Stud. 32, 455, 1994
Referendum outcomes and trust in government: Public support for Europe in the wake of Maastricht
MN Franklin, C Van der Eijk, M Marsh
The Crisis of Representation in Europe, 101-117, 2012
Aspects of coalition payoffs in European parliamentary democracies
EC Browne, MN Franklin
American Political Science Review 67 (2), 453-469, 1973
The decline of class voting in Britain: Changes in the basis of electoral choice, 1964-1983
MN Franklin
(No Title), 1985
Rethinking the dependent variable in voting behavior: On the measurement and analysis of electoral utilities
C Van der Eijk, W Van der Brug, M Kroh, M Franklin
Electoral Studies 25 (3), 424-447, 2006
The decline of cleavage politics
MN Franklin
Electoral change: Responses to evolving social and attitudinal structures in …, 1992
Economic perceptions and vote choice: Disentangling the endogeneity
C Wlezien, M Franklin, D Twiggs
Political Behavior 19 (1), 7-17, 1997
What voters teach us about Europe-wide elections: What Europe-wide elections teach us about voters
C Van der Eijk, M Franklin, M Marsh
Electoral Studies 15 (2), 149-166, 1996
The dynamics of electoral participation
MN Franklin
Comparing democracies 2, 148-168, 2002
The responsive public: issue salience, policy change, and preferences for European unification
MN Franklin, C Wlezien
Journal of Theoretical Politics 9 (3), 347-363, 1997
Electoral engineering and cross-national turnout differences: what role for compulsory voting?
MN Franklin
British Journal of Political Science 29 (1), 205-216, 1999
Constituency characteristics, individual characteristics and tactical voting in the 1987 British general election
RG Niemi, G Written, MN Franklin
British Journal of Political Science 22 (2), 229-240, 1992
Elections and voters
C Van der Eijk, MN Franklin
Bloomsbury Publishing, 2009
Attitudes toward Europe and referendum votes: A response to Siune and Svensson
M Franklin, M Marsh, C Wlezien
Electoral Studies 13 (2), 117-121, 1994
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Articles 1–20