Jason Laurie
Jason Laurie
Senior Lecturer in Mathematics, Aston University, UK
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Vortex-density fluctuations, energy spectra, and vortical regions in superfluid turbulence
AW Baggaley, J Laurie, CF Barenghi
Physical review letters 109 (20), 205304, 2012
One-dimensional optical wave turbulence: Experiment and theory
J Laurie, U Bortolozzo, S Nazarenko, S Residori
Physics Reports, 2012
Universal profile of the vortex condensate in two-dimensional turbulence
J Laurie, G Boffetta, G Falkovich, I Kolokolov, V Lebedev
Physical review letters 113 (25), 254503, 2014
Optical wave turbulence and the condensation of light
U Bortolozzo, J Laurie, S Nazarenko, S Residori
JOSA B 26 (12), 2280-2284, 2009
Interaction of Kelvin waves and nonlocality of energy transfer in superfluids
J Laurie, VS L’vov, S Nazarenko, O Rudenko
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 81 (10), 104526, 2010
Modeling Kelvin wave cascades in superfluid helium
G Boffetta, A Celani, D Dezzani, J Laurie, S Nazarenko
Journal of Low Temperature Physics 156, 193-214, 2009
Jets or vortices—What flows are generated by an inverse turbulent cascade?
A Frishman, J Laurie, G Falkovich
Physical Review Fluids 2 (3), 032602, 2017
Langevin dynamics, large deviations and instantons for the quasi-geostrophic model and two-dimensional Euler equations
F Bouchet, J Laurie, O Zaboronski
Journal of Statistical Physics 156, 1066-1092, 2014
Exact solution for the energy spectrum of Kelvin-wave turbulence in superfluids
L Boué, R Dasgupta, J Laurie, V L’vov, S Nazarenko, I Procaccia
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 84 (6), 064516, 2011
Computation of rare transitions in the barotropic quasi-geostrophic equations
J Laurie, F Bouchet
New Journal of Physics 17 (1), 015009, 2015
Kelvin-wave cascade in the vortex filament model
AW Baggaley, J Laurie
Physical Review B 89 (1), 014504, 2014
Thermal counterflow in a periodic channel with solid boundaries
AW Baggaley, J Laurie
Journal of Low Temperature Physics 178 (1), 35-52, 2015
Control and instanton trajectories for random transitions in turbulent flows
F Bouchet, J Laurie, O Zaboronski
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 318 (2), 022041, 2011
Hamiltonian derivation of the point vortex model from the two-dimensional nonlinear Schrödinger equation
J Skipp, J Laurie, S Nazarenko
Physical Review E 107 (2), 025107, 2023
Dipole dynamics in the point vortex model
K Lydon, SV Nazarenko, J Laurie
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 55 (38), 385702, 2022
A note on the propagation of quantized vortex rings through a quantum turbulence tangle: Energy transport or energy dissipation?
J Laurie, AW Baggaley
Journal of Low Temperature Physics 180, 95-108, 2015
A plausible model of inflation driven by strong gravitational wave turbulence
S Galtier, J Laurie, SV Nazarenko
Universe 6 (7), 98, 2020
An effective semilocal model for wave turbulence in two-dimensional nonlinear optics
J Skipp, J Laurie, SV Nazarenko
Proceedings of the Royal Society A 479 (2275), 20230162, 2023
Reconnection dynamics and mutual friction in quantum turbulence
J Laurie, AW Baggaley
Journal of Low Temperature Physics 180 (1), 82-94, 2015
Vorticity locking and pressure dynamics in finite-temperature superfluid turbulence
J Laurie, AW Baggaley
Physical Review Fluids 8 (5), 054604, 2023
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Articles 1–20