Dr aya ghoniem
Cited by
Cited by
Enhancement of the electrokinetic removal of heavy metals, cations, anions, and other elements from soil by integrating PCPSS and a chelating agent
EMM Selim, A Abou-Shady, AE Ghoniem, AS Abdelhamied
Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 134, 104306, 2022
Yield and Some Water Relation of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Crop as Influenced by Irrigation Regime, Nitrogen Fertilization Rates and Dosses at North Nile Delta.
EM El-Hadidi, SM Eid2, ASAEAE Ghonime3
J.Soil Sci. and Agric. Eng., Mansoura Univ 38 (2018), 77 - 85, 2018
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Articles 1–2