Diem-Trinh Le
Diem-Trinh Le
Institute of High Performance Computing, A*STAR
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Cited by
Factors influencing customer's loyalty towards ride-hailing taxi services–A case study of Vietnam
DQ Nguyen-Phuoc, DN Su, PTK Tran, DTT Le, LW Johnson
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 134, 96-112, 2020
Tourist use of public transport at destinations–a review
DT Le-Klähn, CM Hall
Current Issues in Tourism 18 (8), 785-803, 2015
Analysis of Visitor Satisfaction with Public Transport in Munich
DT Le-Klähn, CM Hall, R Gerike
Journal of Public Transportation 17 (3), 68-85, 2014
Factors affecting tourists' public transport use and areas visited at destinations
DT Le-Klähn, J Roosen, R Gerike, CM Hall
Tourism Geographies 17 (5), 738-757, 2015
Visitor users vs. non-users of public transport: The case of Munich, Germany
DT Le-Klaehn, R Gerike, CM Hall
Journal of Destination Marketing & Management 3 (3), 152-161, 2014
Tourism, public transport and sustainable mobility
CM Hall, DT Le-Klähn, Y Ram
Channel View Publications, 2017
Segmenting visitors to battlefield sites: International visitors to the former demilitarized zone in Vietnam
DTT Le, DG Pearce
Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing 28 (4), 451-463, 2011
A multi-scale agent-based modelling framework for urban freight distribution
A Alho, BK Bhavathrathan, M Stinson, R Gopalakrishnan, DT Le, ...
Transportation Research Procedia 27, 188-196, 2017
Addressing the “minimum parking” problem for on-demand mobility
D Kondor, P Santi, DT Le, X Zhang, A Millard-Ball, C Ratti
Scientific reports 10 (1), 15885, 2020
Evaluating automated demand responsive transit using microsimulation
S Oh, R Seshadri, DT Le, PC Zegras, ME Ben-Akiva
IEEE Access 8, 82551-82561, 2020
Constructing a synthetic population of establishments for the simmobility microsimulation platform
DT Le, G Cernicchiaro, C Zegras, J Ferreira Jr
Transportation Research Procedia 19, 81-93, 2016
Simulating impacts of Automated Mobility-on-Demand on accessibility and residential relocation
M Zhou, DT Le, DQ Nguyen-Phuoc, PC Zegras, J Ferreira Jr
Cities 118, 103345, 2021
Examining the effects of Automated Mobility-on-Demand services on public transport systems using an agent-based simulation approach
DQ Nguyen-Phuoc, M Zhou, MH Chua, AR Alho, S Oh, R Seshadri, DT Le
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 169, 103583, 2023
Impacts of automated mobility on demand on long-term mobility choices: a case study of Singapore
Z Meng, DT Le, PC Zegras, J Ferreira
2019 IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC), 1908-1913, 2019
Promoting public transport use in tourism
DT Le-Klähn, CM Hall, R Gerike
Understanding and governing sustainable tourism mobility, 208-222, 2014
Conference Report: The best education network think tank xiii: Engaging communities in sustainable tourism development, Taylors University, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 2013
DT Le-Klähn, D Edwards
Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism Education 14, 1-5, 2014
Accessibility, land use models, and modeling
D Engelberg, H He, DT Le, PC Zegras
Urban Form and Accessibility, 379-409, 2021
Public transport
DT Le-Klähn
The Routledge handbook of tourism and sustainability, 440-449, 2015
Segmenting Visitors to Battlefield sites: International Visitors to the former DMZ in Vietnam
Open Access Te Herenga Waka-Victoria University of Wellington, 2009
Simulating Multi-scaled Impacts of Automated Mobility-on-Demand Services
DT Le, PC Zegras, M Zhou, J Fereirra, DQ Nguyen-Phuoc, M Ben-Akiva, ...
2019 IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC), 1245-1250, 2019
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Articles 1–20