Yavuz Sürme
Yavuz Sürme
Nigde Ömer Halisdemir University, Department of Chemistry
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Cloud point extraction procedure for flame atomic absorption spectrometric determination of lead (II) in sediment and water samples
Y Surme, I Narin, M Soylak, H Yuruk, M Dogan
Microchimica Acta 157, 193-199, 2007
Speciation of Cr (III) and Cr (VI) in environmental samples by solid phase extraction on Ambersorb 563 resin
I Narin, Y Surme, M Soylak, M Dogan
Journal of Hazardous Materials 136 (3), 579-584, 2006
SP70-α-benzoin oxime chelating resin for preconcentration–separation of Pb (II), Cd (II), Co (II) and Cr (III) in environmental samples
I Narin, Y Surme, E Bercin, M Soylak
Journal of hazardous materials 145 (1-2), 113-119, 2007
Systematic corrosion investigation of various Cu–Sn alloys electrodeposited on mild steel in acidic solution: dependence of alloy composition
Y Sürme, AA Gürten, E Bayol, E Ersoy
Journal of alloys and compounds 485 (1-2), 98-103, 2009
Separation, preconcentration and spectrophotometric determination of rhodamine B in industrial, cosmetic and water samples by cloud point and solid phase extraction
AT Bişgin, Y Sürme, M Uçan, İ Narin
Journal of Analytical Chemistry 73, 452-458, 2018
Thermodynamic study and electrochemical investigation of calcein as corrosion Inhibitor for mild steel in hydrochloric acid Solution
D Özkir, E Bayol, A Gürten, Y Sürme
Journal of the Chilean Chemical Society 58 (4), 2158-2167, 2013
Cloud point extraction and flame atomic absorption spectrometric determination of cd (II) in industrial and environmental samples
Y Sürme, AT Bişgin, M Uçan, İ Narin
Journal of analytical chemistry 73, 140-144, 2018
Role of polyethylene glycol tert-octylphenyl ether on corrosion behaviour of mild steel in acidic solution
Y Sürme, AA Gürten
Corrosion engineering, science and technology 44 (4), 304-311, 2009
Solid‐phase extraction and spectrophotometric determination of Allura Red (E129) in foodstuff, soft drink, syrup and energy drink samples: a comparison study
AT Bişgin, Y Sürme, M Uçan, I Narin
International Journal of Food Science & Technology 51 (11), 2367-2375, 2016
Simultaneous spectrophotometric determination and column solid-phase extraction of two Lanaset textile dyes in environmental water samples
AT Bişgin, Y Sürme, M Uçan, I Narin
Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 38, 186-192, 2016
Effect of hyamine on electrochemical behaviour of brass alloy in HNO3 solution
D Özkır, E Bayol, A Gürten, Y Sürme, F Kandemirli
Chemical Papers 67 (2), 202-212, 2013
Simultaneous preconcentration and determination of rhodamine B and brilliant blue
AT Bişgin, Y Sürme, M Uçan, I Narin
Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions A: Science 44, 695-705, 2020
Corrosion behavior of mild steel in the presence of scale inhibitor in sulfuric acid solution
Y Sürme, AA Gürten, E Bayol
Protection of Metals and Physical Chemistry of Surfaces 47, 117-120, 2011
Determination of direct violet 51 dye in water based on its decolorisation by electrochemical treatment
Y Sürme, OB Demirci
Chemical Papers 68, 1491-1497, 2014
Synthesis and characterization of water‐soluble oligosalicylaldehyde‐sulfanilic acid and its Cu (II), Co (II), Pb (II) complexes
E Turac, Y Surme, E Sahmetlioglu, R Varol, I Narin, L Toppare
Journal of applied polymer science 110 (1), 564-568, 2008
Micelle mediated extraction and flame atomic absorption spectrometric determination of trace amounts of copper in different mushroom species
Y Camcı, AT Bişgin, Y Sürme, M Uçan, İ Narin
Journal of Analytical Chemistry 75, 1131-1136, 2020
Studies on heavy metal removal efficiency and antibacterial activity of 2-(diphenylphosphino) aminopyridine
Ö Sarıöz, B Malgaç, Y Sürme, S İlk, M Karaarslan
Macedonian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering 37 (1), 53-60, 2018
Sulu ortamda bulunan kurşun (II) iyonlarının miseller sistem ekstraksiyonuyla zenginleştirilmesi ve tayini
Y Sürme
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Niğde, 78s, 2005
Comparison of preconcentration and determination methods of a textile dye by spectrophotometry: cloud point extraction and solid-phase extraction
Y Sürme, AT Bişgin, M Uçan, I Narin
Desalination and Water Treatment 57 (32), 14965-14972, 2016
Simultaneous preconcentration and determination of Cu2+, Ni2+ and Cd2+ by micelle mediated extraction in food and water samples
AT Bişgin, Y Sürme, M Uçan, I Narin
Journal of the Chilean Chemical Society 61 (2), 2990-2995, 2016
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Articles 1–20