Kaiqi Shao
Kaiqi Shao
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Emotions in classroom language learning: What can we learn from achievement emotion research?
K Shao, R Pekrun, LJ Nicholson
System 86, 102121, 2019
An exploration of Chinese EFL students' emotional intelligence and foreign language anxiety
K Shao, W Yu, Z Ji
The Modern Language Journal 97 (4), 917-929, 2013
Control-value appraisals, achievement emotions, and foreign language performance: A latent interaction analysis
K Shao, R Pekrun, HW Marsh, K Loderer
Learning and Instruction 69, 101356, 2020
Emotions and instructed language learning: proposing a second language emotions and positive psychology model
K Shao, LJ Nicholson, G Kutuk, F Lei
Frontiers in Psychology 11, 2142, 2020
The relationship between EFL students' emotional intelligence and writing achievement
KQ Shao, WH Yu, ZM Ji
Innovation in language learning and teaching 7 (2), 107-124, 2013
How accurate is your correlation? Different methods derive different results and different interpretations
K Shao, M Elahi Shirvan, A Alamer
Frontiers in Psychology 13, 901412, 2022
Applying control-value theory for examining multiple emotions in L2 classrooms: Validating the Achievement Emotions Questionnaire–Second Language Learning
K Shao, K Stockinger, HW Marsh, R Pekrun
Language Teaching Research, 13621688221144497, 2023
Social psychological accounts of peer emotion transfer in EFL classrooms: a doubly latent multilevel analysis
K Shao, B Parkinson
Language Teaching Research 28 (2), 654-678, 2024
Factors influencing Chinese undergraduate students' emotions in an online EFL learning context during the COVID pandemic
K Shao, G Kutuk, LK Fryer, LJ Nicholson, J Guo
Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 39 (5), 1465-1478, 2023
The relationships among Chinese EFL learners’ emotional intelligence, foreign language anxiety and English proficiency
W Yu, K Shao, Y Xiang
Modern Foreign Languages 5, 656-666, 2015
Emotions in classroom language learning: What has been done and what can be learned
K Shao, R Pekrun, L Nicholson
System 86 (C), 102121, 2019
Conceptualization and measurement of foreign language playfulness via exploratory structural equation modeling
K Shao, E Barabadi, ME Shirvan, T Taherian, MR Tabar
System 123, 103321, 2024
Applying control-value theory for examining multiple emotions in second language classrooms: Validating the achievement emotions questionnaire-second language learning
K Shao, K Stockinger, R Pekrun, HW Marsh
Language Teaching Research, 136216882211444-136216882211444, 2023
Ying Wang1 and Honggang Liu2
K Shao, A Hamada, B Li
Emerging Theories and Methods for Investigating Affective Variables in First …, 2023
Undergraduate student perceptions of teaching quality and achievement emotions in an online setting
L NICHOLSON, K Shao, G KUTUK, L Fryer, J Guo
British Psychological Society Psychology of Education Section Annual Conference, 2022
Control-Value Appraisals, Achievement Emotions, and Foreign Language Performance
K Shao
Emotions in Classroom Language Learning: What Can We Learn From
K Shao, R Pekrun, LJ Nicholson
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Articles 1–17