Malik Saleh
Cited by
Cited by
Limitations of e‐commerce in developing countries: Jordan case
M Abbad, R Abbad, M Saleh
Education, Business and Society: Contemporary Middle Eastern Issues 4 (4 …, 2011
Information security maturity model
MF Saleh
International Journal of Computer Science and Security (IJCSS) 5 (3), 21, 2011
The effect of cyberloafing on employee productivity
M Saleh, I Daqqa, MB AbdulRahim, N Sakallah
International journal of advanced and applied sciences 5 (4), 87-92, 2018
ERP Implementation Success Factors in Saudi Arabia
M Saleh, M Abbad, M Al-Shehri
International Journal of Computer Science and Security (IJCSS) 7 (1), 15-30, 2013
Software Quality Framework
MF Saleh
Journal of Computer Science and Engineering (JCSE) 13 (2), 10-15, 2012
An agile software development framework
MF Saleh
International Journal of Software Engineering 2 (5), 97-106, 2011
The three dimensions of security
MF Saleh
International Journal of Security (IJS) 5 (2), 85-93, 2011
Smart Charging Management for Autonomous Vehicles: A Smart Solution for Smart Cities & Societies: COVID 19
S Adnan, N., Nordin, S.M., Saleh, M.F. and Sanyal
Smart Charging Solutions for Hybrid and Electric Vehicles, 341-359, 2022
Mathematical models of information systems developing
VN Korzhova, MF Saleh, VV Ivanov
Investigating the Moderating Role of Terrorism Fear on the Relationship between Economic Value and Teachers Job Satisfaction: Evidence from Education Sector
DMFS Dr. Noor Ul Hadia, Ayesha Darb, Ghayur Ahmad
International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change 15 (5), 536-551, 2021
Compliance to the Information Security Maturity Model in Saudi Arabia
MF Saleh, M Abbad, JM Alghazo
Journal of Computer Science and Engineering 15 (1), 9, 2012
Education, business and society: Contemporary Middle Eastern issues
OA Mah’d
Semantic Web knowledge management
MF Salesh
Advances in Systems, Computing Sciences and Software Engineering …, 2006
Implementing enterprise resource planning in Saudi Arabia
M Saleh
Journal for Global Business Advancement 9 (3), 299-315, 2016
The construction and validation of a resource cover page as an instrument for cataloging Internet resources in the Semantic Web
MF Saleh
Nova Southeastern University, 2006
Malware detection model based on classifying system calls and code attributes: a proof of concept
MF Saleh
International Journal of Electronic Security and Digital Forensics 11 (2 …, 2019
Unemployment in USA mathematical modeling
VV Ivanov, VN Korzhova, MF Saleh
Who is Responsible for Our Code of Ethics?
MF Saleh, N Sakallah
So ware Quality Framework
M Saleh
Investigating the Moderating Role of Terrorism Fear on the Relationship between Economic Value and Teachers Job Satisfaction: Evidence from Education Sector
NU Hadia, A Darb, DMFS Ghayur Ahmadc
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Articles 1–20