Stefan Oppl
Cited by
Cited by
Ganzheitliche Digitalisierung von Prozessen: Perspektivenwechsel–Design Thinking–Wertegeleitete Interaktion
A Fleischmann, S Oppl, W Schmidt, C Stary
Springer Nature, 2018
Context awareness for group interaction support
A Ferscha, C Holzmann, S Oppl
Proceedings of the second international workshop on Mobility management …, 2004
A flexible online platform for computerized adaptive testing
S Oppl, F Reisinger, A Eckmaier, C Helm
International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education 14, 1-21, 2017
Physical home learning environments for digitally-supported learning in academic continuing education during COVID-19 pandemic
F Keser Aschenberger, G Radinger, S Brachtl, C Ipser, S Oppl
Learning Environments Research 26 (1), 97-128, 2023
Facilitating shared understanding of work situations using a tangible tabletop interface
S Oppl, C Stary
Behaviour & Information Technology 33 (6), 619-635, 2014
Contextual process digitalization: changing perspectives–design thinking–value-led design
A Fleischmann, S Oppl, W Schmidt, C Stary
Springer Nature, 2020
Tabletop concept mapping
S Oppl, C Stary
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Tangible and Embedded …, 2009
Supporting the collaborative construction of a shared understanding about work with a guided conceptual modeling technique
S Oppl
Group Decision and Negotiation, 2016
Articulation of work process models for organizational alignment and informed information system design
S Oppl
Information & Management, 2016
Physical home-learning environments of traditional and non-traditional students during the COVID pandemic: exploring the impact of learning space on students’ motivation …
S Brachtl, C Ipser, F Keser Aschenberger, S Oppl, S Oppl, EK Pakoy, ...
Smart learning environments 10 (1), 7, 2023
Distance Learning an österreichischen Universitäten und Hochschulen im Sommersemester 2020 und Wintersemester 2020/21.
A Pausits, S Oppl, S Schön, M Fellner, D Campell, M Dobiasch
Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Forschung, 2021
Effects of a tabletop interface on the co-construction of concept maps
S Oppl, C Stary
Human-Computer Interaction–INTERACT 2011: 13th IFIP TC 13 International …, 2011
Designing digital work: Concepts and methods for human-centered digitization
S Oppl, C Stary
Springer Nature, 2019
Articulation of subject-oriented business process models
S Oppl
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Subject-Oriented Business …, 2015
Micro-Credential Development: Tools, Methods and Concepts Supporting the European Approach
T Fischer, S Oppl, M Stabauer
Wirtschaftsinformatik 2022 (WI 22), 2022
Towards human-centered design of diagrammatic representation schemes
S Oppl, C Stary
Proceedings of the 4th international workshop on Task models and diagrams, 55-62, 2005
Team awareness in personalised learning environments
A Ferscha, C Holzmann, S Oppl
Mobilelearning anytimeeverywhere, 67, 2005
Subject-oriented elicitation of distributed business process knowledge
S Oppl
S-BPM ONE-Learning by Doing-Doing by Learning: Third International …, 2011
Towards scaffolding collaborative articulation and alignment of mental models
S Oppl
Procedia Computer Science 99, 125-145, 2016
Stakeholder-driven collaborative modeling of subject-oriented business processes
D Wachholder, S Oppl
S-BPM ONE–Scientific Research: 4th International Conference, S-BPM ONE 2012 …, 2012
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Articles 1–20