Paul Elvers
Paul Elvers
Institute of Systematic Musicology, University of Hamburg, Germany
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Cited by
Cited by
Songs for the ego: theorizing musical self-enhancement
P Elvers
Frontiers in Psychology 7, 2, 2016
Decoding emotions in expressive music performances: A multi-lab replication and extension study
J Akkermans, R Schapiro, D Müllensiefen, K Jakubowski, D Shanahan, ...
Cognition and Emotion, 2019
Music listening as self-enhancement: Effects of empowering music on momentary explicit and implicit self-esteem
P Elvers, T Fischinger, J Steffens
Psychology of Music 46 (3), 307-325, 2018
Exploring the musical taste of expert listeners: musicology students reveal tendency toward omnivorous taste
P Elvers, D Omigie, W Fuhrmann, T Fischinger
Frontiers in psychology 6, 1252, 2015
The digital hood of urban violence: exploring functionalities of social media and music among gangs
J Pawelz, P Elvers
Journal of contemporary criminal justice 34 (4), 442-459, 2018
The sound of success: Investigating cognitive and behavioral effects of motivational music in sports
P Elvers, J Steffens
Frontiers in psychology 8, 2026, 2017
Musical development during adolescence: Perceptual skills, cognitive resources, and musical training
D Müllensiefen, P Elvers, K Frieler
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1518 (1), 264-281, 2022
Trends in Empirical Aesthetics: A Review of the Journal Empirical Studies of the Arts from 1983 to 2014
F Greb, P Elvers, T Fischinger
Empirical Studies of the Arts 35 (1), 3-26, 2017
Foundation of a syllogistic music theory
R Bader, MK Dietz, P Elvers, M Elias, N Tolkien
na, 2009
Music Listening as Self-enhancement: How Empowering Music Affects Self-esteem
P Elvers
Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, 2017
Trends in empirical aesthetics: A review of the journal of Empirical Studies of the Arts with emphasis on music-related papers
F Greb, P Elvers, T Fischinger
The Twenty-third Biennial Congress of the International Association of …, 2014
Modelling emotional expression in monophonic melodies using audio and symbolic features
K Frieler, J Akkermans, R Schapiro, V Busch, KS Lothwesen, P Elvers, ...
Aristides Quintilianus: De musica
P Elvers
Lexikon Schriften über Musik: Vol. 1. Musiktheorie von der Antike bis zur …, 2017
The influence of motivational music on risk-behavior and ball-throwing performance
P Elvers, J Steffens
TeaP 2017: Abstracts of the 59th Conference of Experimental Psychologists …, 2017
Motivational music influences decision-making processes but not the execution of a ball-throwing task
P Elvers, J Steffens
Proceedings of the 25th Anniversary Conference of the European Society for …, 2017
Nikomachos von Gerasa: Encheiridion
P Elvers
Lexikon Schriften über Musik: Vol. 1. Musiktheorie von der Antike bis zur …, 2017
Aristoxenos von Tarent: Elementa harmonica
P Elvers
Lexikon Schriften über Musik: Vol. 1. Musiktheorie von der Antike bis zur …, 2017
Zum Verhältnis von Musik und Sprache in der griechischen Antike
P Elvers
Rhetorik 35 (1), 9-24, 2016
How empowering music influences performance and risk-behavior in sports: a randomized controlled trial
P Elvers, J Steffens
Proceedings of the Congress of the International Association of Empirical …, 2016
The influence of empowering music on performance and risk-behavior in sports: a randomized controlled trial (RCT)
P Elvers, J Steffens
Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Music Perception and …, 2016
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Articles 1–20