Lyubomyr Demkiv
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Cited by
Accuracy estimates of difference schemes for quasi-linear elliptic equations with variable coefficients taking into account boundary effect
V Makarov, L Demkiv
Numerical Analysis and Its Applications: Third International Conference, NAA …, 2005
DDOS Attacks Analysis Based on Machine Learning in Challenges of Global Changes.
R Lynnyk, V Vysotska, Y Matseliukh, Y Burov, LI Demkiv, A Zaverbnyj, ...
MoMLeT+ DS, 159-171, 2020
Extinguishing Real Fires by Fully Autonomous Multirotor UAVs in the MBZIRC 2020 Competition.
V Walter, V Spurný, M Petrlík, T Báca, D Zaitlík, LI Demkiv, M Saska
Field Robotics 2 (1), 406-436, 2022
Analysis of tire relaxation constants for modeling vehicle traction performance and handling
VV Vantsevich, LI Demkiv, SR Klos
Dynamic Systems and Control Conference 51890, V001T10A005, 2018
Weight uniform accuracy estimates of finite difference method for Poisson equation, taking into account boundary effect
VL Makarov, LI Demkiv
Numerical Analysis and Its Applications: 4th International Conference, NAA …, 2009
A real-Time model of locomotion module DTC drive for hardware-in-the-loop implementation
A Kutsyk
Przegląd Elektrotechniczny 1 (6), 2021
Дослідження впливу вигляду функції належності на динамічні показники системи при багатокритеріальній оптимізації зі змінними ваговими коефіцієнтами
ЛІ Демків, АО Лозинський
Electrotechnic and Computer Systems, 137-144, 2012
A wheel rotational velocity control strategy for an open-Link locomotion module
V Vantsevich, A Lozynskyy, L Demkiv
19th International and 14th European-African Regional Conference of the ISTVS, 2017
A foundation for real-time tire mobility estimation and control
VV Vantsevich, S Klos, A Lozynskyy, L Demkiv
19th International and 14th European-African Regional Conference of the ISTVS, 2017
Application of dynamic systems family for synthesis of fuzzy control with account of non-linearities
A Lozynskyy, L Demkiv
Advances in electrical and electronic engineering 14 (5), 543-550, 2016
Аналіз стійкості систем з регулятором Такагі-Сугено
АО Лозинський, ЛІ Демків
Інститут проблем штучного інтелекту МОН України та НАН України, 2008
Accuracy estimates of difference schemes for quasi-linear parabolic equations taking into account the initial-boundary effect
VL Makarov, LI Demkiv
Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics Comput. Methods Appl. Math. 3 …, 2003
Peculiarities of Generation of Semantics of Natural Language Speech by Helping Unlimited and Context-Dependent Grammar.
V Lytvyn, S Kubinska, A Berko, T Shestakevych, LI Demkiv, Y Shcherbyna
COLINS, 536-551, 2020
State observers for terrain mobility controls: a technical analysis
V Vantsevich, D Gorsich, A Lozynskyy, L Demkiv, T Borovets
Advances in Mechanism and Machine Science: Proceedings of the 15th IFToMM …, 2019
Fuzzy logic control of agile dynamics of a wheel locomotion module
VV Vantsevich, A Lozynskyy, L Demkiv, I Holovach
Dynamics of Vehicles on Roads and Tracks Vol 1, 401-406, 2017
Investigation of the electrodes movement system of arc furnace fuzzy controller
AO Lozynskyi, JS Paranchuk, LI Demkiv
Tekhnichna elektrodynamika 2, 73-77, 2014
Synthesis of multicriteria controller by means of fuzzy logic approach
A Lozynskyy, L Demkiv
Advances in Fuzzy Systems 2014 (1), 758207, 2014
Дослідження стійкості систем з регулятором Такагі-Сугено-Кангі
АО Лозинський, ЛІ Демків
Проблемы автоматизированного электропровода, 89-90, 2008
An Application of Stereo Thermal Vision for Preliminary Inspection of Electrical Power Lines by MAVs
L Demkiv, M Ruffo, G Silano, J Bednar, M Saska
2021 Aerial Robotic Systems Physically Interacting with the Environment …, 2021
Accuracy estimates in finite difference schemes for parabolic equations that take into account the initial-boundary effect
VL Makarov, LI Demkiv
Dop. NAN Ukrainy, 26-32, 2003
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Articles 1–20