Christine Angelini
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Cited by
Interactions among foundation species and their consequences for community organization, biodiversity, and conservation
C Angelini, AH Altieri, BR Silliman, MD Bertness
BioScience 61 (10), 782-789, 2011
A trophic cascade triggers collapse of a salt‐marsh ecosystem with intensive recreational fishing
AH Altieri, MD Bertness, TC Coverdale, NC Herrmann, C Angelini
Ecology 93 (6), 1402-1410, 2012
Recovering wetland biogeomorphic feedbacks to restore the world’s biotic carbon hotspots
RJM Temmink, LPM Lamers, C Angelini, TJ Bouma, C Fritz, ...
Science 376 (6593), eabn1479, 2022
Role of crab herbivory in die‐off of New England salt marshes
C Holdredge, MD Bertness, AH Altieri
Conservation Biology 23 (3), 672-679, 2009
Restoring the eastern oyster: how much progress has been made in 53 years?
A Bersoza Hernández, RD Brumbaugh, P Frederick, R Grizzle, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 16 (8), 463-471, 2018
Foundation species’ overlap enhances biodiversity and multifunctionality from the patch to landscape scale in southeastern United States salt marshes
C Angelini, T van der Heide, JN Griffin, JP Morton, M Derksen-Hooijberg, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 2015
Turning chutes into ladders for women faculty: A review and roadmap for equity in academia
MI Cardel, E Dhurandhar, C Yarar-Fisher, M Foster, B Hidalgo, ...
Journal of Women's Health 29 (5), 721-733, 2020
Secondary foundation species as drivers of trophic and functional diversity: evidence from a tree–epiphyte system
C Angelini, BR Silliman
Ecology 95 (1), 185-196, 2014
Secondary foundation species enhance biodiversity
MS Thomsen, AH Altieri, C Angelini, MJ Bishop, PE Gribben, G Lear, ...
Nature ecology & evolution 2 (4), 634-639, 2018
A keystone mutualism underpins resilience of a coastal ecosystem to drought
C Angelini, JN Griffin, J van de Koppel, LPM Lamers, AJP Smolders, ...
Nature Communications 7 (1), 12473, 2016
Consumer fronts, global change, and runaway collapse in ecosystems
BR Silliman, MW McCoy, C Angelini, RD Holt, JN Griffin, J van de Koppel
Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics 44 (1), 503-538, 2013
Mimicry of emergent traits amplifies coastal restoration success
RJM Temmink, MJA Christianen, GS Fivash, C Angelini, C Boström, ...
Nature communications 11 (1), 3668, 2020
Litter legacy increases the competitive advantage of invasive Phragmites australis in New England wetlands
C Holdredge, MD Bertness
Biological Invasions 13, 423-433, 2011
Eutrophication and consumer control of New England salt marsh primary productivity
MD Bertness, C Crain, C Holdredge, N Sala
Conservation Biology 22 (1), 131-139, 2008
Mutualistic interactions amplify saltmarsh restoration success
M Derksen‐Hooijberg, C Angelini, LPM Lamers, A Borst, A Smolders, ...
Journal of Applied Ecology 55 (1), 405-414, 2018
How habitat-modifying organisms structure the food web of two coastal ecosystems
EM van der Zee, C Angelini, LL Govers, MJA Christianen, AH Altieri, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 283 (1826), 20152326, 2016
Patch size‐dependent community recovery after massive disturbance
C Angelini, BR Silliman
Ecology 93 (1), 101-110, 2012
Nutrient enrichment enhances hidden differences in phenotype to drive a cryptic plant invasion
C Holdredge, MD Bertness, E Von Wettberg, BR Silliman
Oikos 119 (11), 1776-1784, 2010
Field experiments and meta-analysis reveal wetland vegetation as a crucial element in the coastal protection paradigm
BR Silliman, Q He, C Angelini, CS Smith, ML Kirwan, P Daleo, JJ Renzi, ...
Current Biology 29 (11), 1800-1806. e3, 2019
Sea-level rise and the emergence of a keystone grazer alter the geomorphic evolution and ecology of southeast US salt marshes
SM Crotty, C Ortals, TM Pettengill, L Shi, M Olabarrieta, MA Joyce, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (30), 17891-17902, 2020
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Articles 1–20