Hua A. Ai
Cited by
Cited by
Radiation dose reduction for CT lung cancer screening using ASIR and MBIR: a phantom study
KB Mathieu, H Ai, PS Fox, MCB Godoy, RF Munden, PM de Groot, T Pan
Journal of applied clinical medical Physics 15 (2), 271-280, 2014
HU deviation in lung and bone tissues: characterization and a corrective strategy
HA Ai, JG Meier, RE Wendt III
Medical physics 45 (5), 2108-2118, 2018
Review of deep learning and artificial intelligence models in fetal brain magnetic resonance imaging
F Vahedifard, JO Adepoju, M Supanich, HA Ai, X Liu, M Kocak, ...
World journal of clinical cases 11 (16), 3725, 2023
Automated quality control assessment of clinical chest images
CE Willis, TK Nishino, JR Wells, HA Ai, JM Wilson, E Samei
Medical physics 45 (10), 4377-4391, 2018
Automatic ventriculomegaly detection in fetal brain MRI: A step-by-step deep learning model for novel 2D-3D linear measurements
F Vahedifard, HA Ai, MP Supanich, KK Marathu, X Liu, M Kocak, ...
Diagnostics 13 (14), 2355, 2023
Quantitative Evaluation of apparent diffusion coefficient in a large multi-unit institution using the QIBA diffusion phantom
JP Yung, Y Ding, KP Hwang, CE Cardenas, H Ai, CD Fuller, RJ Stafford
medRxiv, 2020.09. 09.20191403, 2020
Feasibility of using respiration‐averaged MR images for attenuation correction of cardiac PET/MR imaging
H Ai, T Pan
Journal of applied clinical medical physics 16 (4), 311-321, 2015
Automatic Localization of the Pons and Vermis on Fetal Brain MR Imaging Using a U-Net Deep Learning Model
F Vahedifard, X Liu, JO Adepoju, S Zhao, HA Ai, KK Marathu, M Supanich, ...
American Journal of Neuroradiology 44 (10), 1191-1200, 2023
Artificial Intelligence in Fetal Resting-State Functional MRI Brain Segmentation: A Comparative Analysis of 3D UNet, VNet, and HighRes-Net Models
F Vahedifard, X Liu, M Kocak, HA Ai, M Supanich, KK Marathu, S Adler, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2311.10844, 2023
Artificial Intelligence Prediction of Gestational Age of Fetal in Brain Magnetic Resonance Imaging versus ultrasound Using three different Biometric Measurements
F Vahedifard, X Liu, KK Marathu, M Kocak, HA Ai, MP Supanich, S Adler, ...
Preprints, 2023
A measurement of the attenuation of radiation from F‐18 by a PET/MR scanner
RE Wendt III, HA Ai, JG Meier, BP Lopez, SJ Fahrenholtz, OR Mawlawi
Journal of applied clinical medical physics 19 (6), 336-340, 2018
An Investigation of the Required MR Bone Attenuation Correction for Quantitative Whole-Body PET/MR Imaging Using Clinical NaF PET/CT Studies
HA Ai, O Mawlawi, J Stafford, J Bankston, Y Shao, M Guindani, ...
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Articles 1–12