Assoc. Prof. Kürşat Gültekin
Cited by
Cited by
Experimental analysis on the single-lap joints bonded by a nanocomposite adhesives which obtained by adding nanostructures
IA Akpinar, K Gültekin, S Akpinar, H Akbulut, A Ozel
Composites Part B: Engineering 110, 420-428, 2017
The effects of graphene nanostructure reinforcement on the adhesive method and the graphene reinforcement ratio on the failure load in adhesively bonded joints
K Gültekin, S Akpinar, A Gürses, Z Eroglu, S Cam, H Akbulut, Z Keskin, ...
Composites Part B: Engineering 98, 362-369, 2016
The effect of the adherend width on the strength of adhesively bonded single-lap joint: Experimental and numerical analysis
K Gültekin, S Akpinar, A Özel
Composites Part B: Engineering 60, 736-745, 2014
Research on strength of nanocomposite adhesively bonded composite joints
IA Akpinar, K Gültekin, S Akpinar, H Akbulut, A Ozel
Composites Part B: Engineering 126, 143-152, 2017
The effect of moment and flexural rigidity of adherend on the strength of adhesively bonded single lap joints
K Gültekin, S Akpinar, A Özel
The Journal of Adhesion 91 (8), 637-650, 2015
Improvements of the structural, thermal, and mechanical properties of structural adhesive with functionalized boron nitride nanoparticles
K Gültekin, G Uğuz, A Özel
Journal of Applied Polymer Science 138 (21), 50491, 2021
Investigation of mechanical and thermal properties of nanostructure-doped bulk nanocomposite adhesives
IA Akpinar, A Gürses, S Akpinar, K Gültekin, H Akbulut, A Ozel
The Journal of Adhesion 94 (11), 847-866, 2018
Effect of UV irradiation on epoxy adhesives and adhesively bonded joints reinforced with BN and B4C nanoparticles
Y Korkmaz, K Gültekin
Polymer Degradation and Stability 202, 110004, 2022
An experimental study on composite adhesives reinforced with different types of organo-clays
IA Akpinar, K Gültekin, S Akpinar, A Gürses, A Ozel
The Journal of Adhesion 94 (2), 124-142, 2018
Improvement of structural, thermal and mechanical properties of epoxy composites and bonded joints exposed to water environment by incorporating boron nanoparticles
Y Korkmaz, K Gültekin
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives 103141, 2022
Effects of unbalance on the adhesively bonded composites-aluminium joints
KŞ Gültekin, S Akpinar, A Özel, GŞA Öner
The Journal of Adhesion 93 (9), 674-687, 2017
Structural, thermal, and mechanical properties of silanized boron carbide doped epoxy nanocomposites
K Gültekin, G Uğuz, Y Topcu, A Özel
Journal of Applied Polymer Science 138 (42), 51244, 2021
Mechanical properties of aluminum bonded joints reinforced with functionalized boron nitride and boron carbide nanoparticles
K Gültekin, ME Yazici
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of …, 2022
The effect of boron nanoparticle reinforcement on the structural and mechanical performance of nanocomposites and bonded joints exposed to an acid environment
Y Korkmaz, K Gültekin
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives 118, 103244, 2022
Improving the mechanical performance of adhesively bonded CFRP composite joints exposed to harsh mediums with the reinforcement of boron nanostructures
Y Korkmaz, K Gültekin
Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, 2023
AA2024-T3 alüminyum alaşımlarına uygulanan farklı yüzey hazırlama ve pürüzlülük işlemlerinin yapıştırma bağlantılarına etkisi
Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 11 (4), 1269-1281, 2021
Enhancement of saltwater ageing behavior of nanocomposites and lap joints with boron nanoparticles
Y Korkmaz, E Cetin, K Gültekin
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives 126, 103479, 2023
Effect of functionalized boron nanoparticles on the adhesively bonded single lap composite joints
K Gültekin, M Yazici
Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi University 37 (1), 2022
Fonksiyonelleştirilmiş bor nanopartiküllerinin yapıştırıcıyla birleştirilmiş tek tesirli kompozit bağlantılar üzerinde etkisi
K Gültekin
Gazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi 37 (1), 175-192, 0
Synergetic Effect of Hybrid Surface Treatment on the Mechanical Properties of Adhesively Bonded AA2024-T3 Joints
B Özakın, K Gültekin
The Journal of Adhesion, 2024
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Articles 1–20