Patrick R. Wright
Patrick R. Wright
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Bioconda: sustainable and comprehensive software distribution for the life sciences
B Grüning, R Dale, A Sjödin, BA Chapman, J Rowe, CH Tomkins-Tinch, ...
Nature methods 15 (7), 475-476, 2018
IntaRNA 2.0: enhanced and customizable prediction of RNA–RNA interactions
M Mann, PR Wright, R Backofen
Nucleic acids research 45 (W1), W435-W439, 2017
CopraRNA and IntaRNA: predicting small RNA targets, networks and interaction domains
PR Wright, J Georg, M Mann, DA Sorescu, AS Richter, S Lott, R Kleinkauf, ...
Nucleic acids research 42 (W1), W119-W123, 2014
Antioxidant activity of Hawaiian marine algae
D Kelman, EK Posner, KJ McDermid, NK Tabandera, PR Wright, ...
Marine Drugs 10 (2), 403-416, 2012
Global RNA recognition patterns of post‐transcriptional regulators Hfq and CsrA revealed by UV crosslinking in vivo
E Holmqvist, PR Wright, L Li, T Bischler, L Barquist, R Reinhardt, ...
The EMBO journal 35 (9), 991-1011, 2016
Comparative genomics boosts target prediction for bacterial small RNAs
PR Wright, AS Richter, K Papenfort, M Mann, J Vogel, WR Hess, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (37), E3487-E3496, 2013
Freiburg RNA tools: a central online resource for RNA-focused research and teaching
M Raden, SM Ali, OS Alkhnbashi, A Busch, F Costa, JA Davis, ...
Nucleic acids research 46 (W1), W25-W29, 2018
MOF-associated complexes ensure stem cell identity and Xist repression
T Chelmicki, F Dündar, MJ Turley, T Khanam, T Aktas, F Ramírez, ...
Elife 3, e02024, 2014
A glutamine riboswitch is a key element for the regulation of glutamine synthetase in cyanobacteria
S Klähn, P Bolay, PR Wright, RM Atilho, KI Brewer, M Hagemann, ...
Nucleic Acids Research 46 (19), 10082-10094, 2018
Photorhabdus‐nematode symbiosis is dependent on hfq‐mediated regulation of secondary metabolites
NJ Tobias, AK Heinrich, H Eresmann, PR Wright, N Neubacher, ...
Environmental microbiology 19 (1), 119-129, 2017
Salimabromide: Unexpected Chemistry from the Obligate Marine Myxobacterium Enhygromyxa salina
S Felder, S Dreisigacker, S Kehraus, E Neu, G Bierbaum, PR Wright, ...
Chemistry–A European Journal 19 (28), 9319-9324, 2013
OxyS small RNA induces cell cycle arrest to allow DNA damage repair
S Barshishat, M Elgrably‐Weiss, J Edelstein, J Georg, S Govindarajan, ...
The EMBO Journal 37 (3), 413-426, 2018
Computational analysis of CLIP-seq data
M Uhl, T Houwaart, G Corrado, PR Wright, R Backofen
Methods 118, 60-72, 2017
A stress-induced small RNA modulates alpha-rhizobial cell cycle progression
M Robledo, B Frage, PR Wright, A Becker
PLoS genetics 11 (4), e1005153, 2015
Two separate modules of the conserved regulatory RNA AbcR1 address multiple target mRNAs in and outside of the translation initiation region
A Overlöper, A Kraus, R Gurski, PR Wright, J Georg, WR Hess, ...
RNA biology 11 (5), 624-640, 2014
Differentiation of ncRNAs from small mRNAs in Escherichia coli O157:H7 EDL933 (EHEC) by combined RNAseq and RIBOseq – ryhB encodes the regulatory …
K Neuhaus, R Landstorfer, S Simon, S Schober, PR Wright, C Smith, ...
BMC genomics 18, 1-24, 2017
Data fusion of Fourier transform infrared spectra and powder X-ray diffraction patterns for pharmaceutical mixtures
RV Haware, PR Wright, KR Morris, ML Hamad
Journal of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis 56 (5), 944-949, 2011
Structure and interaction prediction in prokaryotic RNA biology
PR Wright, M Mann, R Backofen
Regulating with RNA in Bacteria and Archaea, 563-579, 2018
Workflow for a computational analysis of an sRNA candidate in bacteria
PR Wright, J Georg
Bacterial Regulatory RNA: Methods and Protocols, 3-30, 2018
Distribution of Aspergillus Species and Prevalence of Azole Resistance in Respiratory Samples From Swiss Tertiary Care Hospitals
S Ragozzino, D Goldenberger, PR Wright, S Zimmerli, K Mühlethaler, ...
Open Forum Infectious Diseases 9 (2), ofab638, 2022
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Articles 1–20