Ghil'ad Zuckermann
Ghil'ad Zuckermann
(often publishes in other languages, e.g. as 诸葛漫 & גלעד צוקרמן), University of Adelaide
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Cited by
Cited by
Hebrew Revivalists’ Goals vis-à-vis the Emerging Israeli Language
G Zuckermann
Language and Ethnic Identity, 68, 2011
Semitic languages
R Hetzron, AS Kaye, G Zuckermann
The World's Major Languages, 568-576, 2018
Language Contact and Lexical Enrichment in Israeli Hebrew
G Zuckermann
Palgrave Macmillan, 2003
Explorations in the Sociology of Language and Religion
G Zuckermann, T Omoniyi, JA Fishman
Complement clause types in Israeli
G Zuckermann
Oxford University Press, 2006
Hybridity versus revivability: Multiple causation, forms and patterns
G Zuckermann
Journal of Language Contact 2 (2), 40-67, 2009
Stop, revive, survive: Lessons from the Hebrew revival applicable to the reclamation, maintenance and empowerment of Aboriginal languages and cultures
G Zuckermann, M Walsh
Australian Journal of Linguistics 31 (1), 111-127, 2011
Revivalistics: From the genesis of Israeli to language reclamation in Australia and beyond
G Zuckermann
Oxford University Press, 2020
Blorít — Pagans’ Mohawk or Sabras’ Forelock? Ideological Secularization of Hebrew Terms in Socialist Zionist Israeli
A Yadin, G Zuckermann
The sociology of language and religion: change, conflict and accommodation …, 2010
A new vision for Israeli Hebrew: Theoretical and practical implications of analyzing Israel’s main language as a semi‐engineered Semito‐European hybrid language
G Zuckermann
Journal of Modern Jewish Studies 5 (1), 57-71, 2006
Diaspora influences on modern Hebrew (" Israeli")
G Zuckermann
ABC-CLIO, LLC 1, 200-205, 2009
Israelit Safa Yafa (Israeli - A Beautiful Language: Hebrew as Myth)
G Zuckermann
Tel Aviv: Am Oved, 2008
“Language breathes life”—Barngarla community perspectives on the wellbeing impacts of reclaiming a dormant Australian Aboriginal language
L Sivak, S Westhead, E Richards, S Atkinson, J Richards, H Dare, ...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 16 (20), 3918, 2019
Globally speaking: Motives for adopting English vocabulary in other languages
J Rosenhouse, R Kowner
Multilingual Matters, 2008
Our ancestors are happy!”: Revivalistics in the service of indigenous wellbeing
G Zuckermann, M Walsh
Foundation for Endangered Languages XVIII: Indigenous Languages: Value to …, 2014
Handbook of Language and Ethnic Identity: The Success-Failure Continuum in Language and Ethnic Identity Efforts (Volume 2)
J Fishman, O García
Oxford University Press, 2011
‘Etymythological othering’ and the power of ‘lexical engineering’ in Judaism, Islam and Christianity
G Zuckermann
Explorations in the Sociology of Language and Religion, 237-258, 2006
Origins of Yiddish dialects
A Beider
Oxford University Press, 2015
Language Contact and Globalisation: The camouflaged influence of English on the world's languages--with special attention to Israeli (sic) and Mandarin
G Zuckermann
Cambridge Review of International Affairs 16 (2), 287-307, 2003
Native Tongue Title: Compensation for the loss of Aboriginal languages
G Zuckermann, S Shakuto-Neoh, GM Quer
Australian Aboriginal Studies, 55-71, 2014
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Articles 1–20