Articles with public access mandates - Richard ReinaLearn more
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Are we working towards global research priorities for management and conservation of sea turtles?
AF Rees, J Alfaro-Shigueto, PCR Barata, KA Bjorndal, AB Bolten, ...
Endangered Species Research 31, 337-382, 2016
Mandates: US National Science Foundation
The potential of unmanned aerial systems for sea turtle research and conservation: a review and future directions
AF Rees, L Avens, K Ballorain, E Bevan, AC Broderick, RR Carthy, ...
Endangered Species Research 35, 81-100, 2018
Mandates: US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Respiratory mode and gear type are important determinants of elasmobranch immediate and post‐release mortality
DR Dapp, TI Walker, C Huveneers, RD Reina
Fish and Fisheries 17 (2), 507-524, 2016
Mandates: Australian Research Council
Molecular analysis of predator scats reveals role of salps in temperate inshore food webs
C Cavallo, A Chiaradia, BE Deagle, JC McInnes, S Sanchez, GC Hays, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 5, 381, 2018
Mandates: Australian Research Council
Temperature Insensitivity and Behavioural Reduction of the Physiological Stress Response to Longline Capture by the Gummy Shark, Mustelus antarcticus
L Guida, TI Walker, RD Reina
PLoS One 11 (2), e0148829, 2016
Mandates: Australian Research Council
Moving from measuring to predicting bycatch mortality: predicting the capture condition of a longline-caught pelagic shark
DR Dapp, C Huveneers, TI Walker, M Drew, RD Reina
Frontiers in Marine Science 2, 126, 2016
Mandates: Australian Research Council
Within-colony spatial segregation leads to foraging behaviour variation in a seabird
S Sánchez, RD Reina, A Kato, Y Ropert-Coudert, C Cavallo, GC Hays, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 606, 215-230, 2018
Mandates: Australian Research Council
When is embryonic arrest broken in turtle eggs?
SA Williamson, RG Evans, RD Reina
Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 90 (5), 523-532, 2017
Mandates: Australian Research Council
Stress-related physiological changes and post-release survival of elephant fish (Callorhinchus milii) after longlining, gillnetting, angling and handling in a controlled setting
CL Martins, TI Walker, RD Reina
Fisheries Research 204, 116-124, 2018
Mandates: Australian Research Council
Prenatal stress from trawl capture affects mothers and neonates: a case study using the southern fiddler ray (Trygonorrhina dumerilii)
L Guida, C Awruch, TI Walker, RD Reina
Scientific Reports 7 (1), 46300, 2017
Mandates: Australian Research Council
Impacts of crowding, trawl duration and air exposure on the physiology of stingarees (family: Urolophidae)
M Heard, JA Van Rijn, RD Reina, C Huveneers
Conservation Physiology 2 (1), cou040, 2014
Mandates: Australian Research Council
The adenylate energy charge as a new and useful indicator of capture stress in chondrichthyans
L Guida, TI Walker, RD Reina
Journal of Comparative Physiology B 186, 193-204, 2016
Mandates: Australian Research Council
A 20-year investigation of declining leatherback hatching success: implications of climate variation
AR Rafferty, CP Johnstone, JA Garner, RD Reina
Royal Society Open Science 4 (10), 170196, 2017
Mandates: US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Ecological vulnerability of the chondrichthyan fauna of southern Australia to the stressors of climate change, fishing and other anthropogenic hazards
TI Walker, RW Day, CA Awruch, JD Bell, JM Braccini, DR Dapp, L Finotto, ...
Fish and Fisheries 22 (5), 1105-1135, 2021
Mandates: Australian Research Council
Quantifying prey availability using the foraging plasticity of a marine predator, the little penguin
C Cavallo, A Chiaradia, BE Deagle, GC Hays, S Jarman, JC McInnes, ...
Functional Ecology 34, 1626-1639, 2020
Mandates: Australian Research Council
Physiological response and immediate mortality of gill-net-caught blacktip reef sharks (Carcharhinus melanopterus)
DR Dapp, C Huveneers, TI Walker, RD Reina
Marine and Freshwater Research 68 (9), 1734-1740, 2017
Mandates: Australian Research Council
Adaptation of sea turtles to climate warming: Will phenological responses be sufficient to counteract changes in reproductive output?
M Fuentes, AJB Santos, A Abreu‐Grobois, R Briseño‐Dueñas, ...
Global Change Biology 30 (1), e16991, 2024
Mandates: US National Science Foundation, US Agency for International Development
Evaluating time-depth recorders as a tool to measure the behaviour of sharks captured on longlines
L Guida, DR Dapp, CPM Huveneers, TI Walker, RD Reina
Journal of experimental marine biology and ecology 497, 120-126, 2017
Mandates: Australian Research Council
Using logbook data to determine the immediate mortality of blue sharks (Prionace glauca) and tiger sharks (Galeocerdo cuvier) caught in the commercial US pelagic longline fishery
DR Dapp, C Huveneers, TI Walker, J Mandelman, D Kerstetter, RD Reina
Fishery Bulletin 115 (1), 27, 2017
Mandates: Australian Research Council
First record of a bicephalic chondrichthyan found in Australian waters; the southern fiddler ray, Trygonorrhina dumerilii (Chondrichthyes: Rhinobatidae)
L Guida, TI Walker, RD Reina
Marine and Freshwater Research 65 (5), 396-399, 2013
Mandates: Australian Research Council
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