Wesley Tayon
Wesley Tayon
NASA Langley Research Center
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EBSD study of delamination fracture in Al–Li alloy 2090
W Tayon, R Crooks, M Domack, J Wagner, AA Elmustafa
Experimental Mechanics 50, 135-143, 2010
Strain and texture in friction extrusion of aluminum wire
X Li, W Tang, AP Reynolds, WA Tayon, CA Brice
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 229, 191-198, 2016
Correlation between Microstructure and Mechanical Properties in an Inconel 718 Deposit Produced via Electron Beam Freeform Fabrication
WA Tayon, RN Shenoy, MK Redding, K Bird, R Halfey
Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 2014
Computer simulation of microstructure development in powder-bed additive manufacturing with crystallographic texture
JG Pauza, WA Tayon, AD Rollett
Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering 29 (5), 055019, 2021
In-situ study of planar slip in a commercial aluminum-lithium alloy using high energy X-ray diffraction microscopy
WA Tayon, KE Nygren, RE Crooks, DC Pagan
Acta Materialia 173, 231-241, 2019
In situ assessment of lattice strain in an Al–Li alloy
AJ Beaudoin, M Obstalecki, W Tayon, M Hernquist, R Mudrock, P Kenesei, ...
Acta materialia 61 (9), 3456-3464, 2013
Texture Evolution within the Thermomechanically Affected Zone of an Al-Li Alloy 2195 Friction Stir Weld
WA Tayon, MS Domack, EK Hoffman, SJ Hales
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 1-8, 2013
Effect of compositional changes on microstructure in additively manufactured aluminum alloy 2139
CA Brice, WA Tayon, JA Newman, MV Kral, C Bishop, A Sokolova
Materials Characterization 143, 50-58, 2018
Evolution of texture from a single crystal Ti-6Al-4V substrate during electron beam directed energy deposition
TM Butler, CA Brice, WA Tayon, SL Semiatin, AL Pilchak
Metallurgical And Materials Transactions A 48, 4441-4446, 2017
Validation of a crystal plasticity model using high energy diffraction microscopy
AJ Beaudoin, M Obstalecki, R Storer, W Tayon, J Mach, P Kenesei, ...
Modelling and simulation in materials science and engineering 20 (2), 024006, 2012
Characterization of 10-ft. Diameter Aluminum Alloy 2219 Integrally Stiffened Cylinders
WA Tayon, MS Domack, JA Wagner
Heat treatment of a friction-stir-welded and spin-formed Al-Li alloy
SJ Hales, WA Tayon
Procedia engineering 10, 2496-2501, 2011
L Wagner, DIT Ludian
Developments on Low Cost Manufacturing Methods for Cylindrical Launch Vehicle Structures
D Zell, M Domack, W Tayon, M Stachulla, J Wagner
67th International Astronautical Congress, Washington, DC, 2019
Texture-induced anisotropy in an inconel 718 alloy deposited using electron beam freeform fabrication
W Tayon, R Shenoy, R Bird, R Hafley, M Redding
International Conference on Texture of Materials, 2014
Exploring the role of Type-II residual stresses in a laser powder bed fusion nickel-based superalloy using measurement and modeling
WA Tayon, DC Pagan, SR Yeratapally, TQ Phan, JD Hochhalter
International Journal of Fatigue 181, 108153, 2024
Development and characterization of the integrally stiffened cylinder (ISC) process for launch vehicles and aircraft fuselage structures
W Tayon, M Domack, J Wagner, K Taminger, E Hoffman, S Newman
Light Metals 2021: 50th Anniversary Edition, 307-315, 2021
Mechanistic study of delamination fracture in Al-Li Alloy C458 (2099)
WA Tayon, RE Crooks, MS Domack, JA Wagner
AUG 2009 NASA Technical Report Server, 2009
Influence of Ultrasonic Excitation on the Melt Pool and Microstructure Characteristics of Ti-6Al-4V at Powder Bed Fusion Additive Manufacturing Solidification Velocities
B Richter, SJA Hocker, EL Frankforter, WA Tayon, EH Glaessgen
Additive Manufacturing, 104228, 2024
Development of Advanced Manufacturing Approaches for Single-Piece Launch Vehicle Structures
WA Tayon, MT Rudd, MS Domack, MW Hilburger
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Articles 1–20