Rafael Rabelo
Rafael Rabelo
Instituto de Física "Gleb Wataghin", UNICAMP
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General method for constructing local hidden variable models for entangled quantum states
D Cavalcanti, L Guerini, R Rabelo, P Skrzypczyk
Physical review letters 117 (19), 190401, 2016
Device-independent bounds for Hardy’s experiment
R Rabelo, LY Zhi, V Scarani
Physical Review Letters 109 (18), 180401, 2012
Device-independent certification of entangled measurements
R Rabelo, M Ho, D Cavalcanti, N Brunner, V Scarani
Physical Review Letters 107 (5), 050502, 2011
Bounding the sets of classical and quantum correlations in networks
A Pozas-Kerstjens, R Rabelo, Ł Rudnicki, R Chaves, D Cavalcanti, ...
Physical review letters 123 (14), 140503, 2019
Nonlocality tests enhanced by a third observer
D Cavalcanti, R Rabelo, V Scarani
Physical review letters 108 (4), 040402, 2012
Multigraph approach to quantum non-locality
R Rabelo, C Duarte, AJ López-Tarrida, MT Cunha, A Cabello
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 47 (42), 424021, 2014
Semi-device-independent certification of entanglement in superdense coding
G Moreno, R Nery, C de Gois, R Rabelo, R Chaves
Physical Review A 103 (2), 022426, 2021
Synchronous observation of Bell nonlocality and state-dependent contextuality
P Xue, L Xiao, G Ruffolo, A Mazzari, T Temistocles, MT Cunha, R Rabelo
Physical review letters 130 (4), 040201, 2023
Measurement compatibility in Bell nonlocality tests
T Temistocles, R Rabelo, MT Cunha
Physical Review A 99 (4), 042120, 2019
Entanglement-based quantum communication complexity beyond Bell nonlocality
J Ho, G Moreno, S Brito, F Graffitti, CL Morrison, R Nery, A Pickston, ...
npj Quantum Information 8 (1), 13, 2022
General method for classicality certification in the prepare and measure scenario
C de Gois, G Moreno, R Nery, S Brito, R Chaves, R Rabelo
PRX Quantum 2 (3), 030311, 2021
Witnessing nonclassicality in a causal structure with three observable variables
P Lauand, D Poderini, R Nery, G Moreno, L Pollyceno, R Rabelo, ...
PRX Quantum 4 (2), 020311, 2023
Estimating the volume of correlation sets in causal networks
G Camillo, P Lauand, D Poderini, R Rabelo, R Chaves
Physical Review A 109 (1), 012220, 2024
Interplays between classical and quantum entanglement-assisted communication scenarios
C Vieira, C de Gois, L Pollyceno, R Rabelo
New Journal of Physics 25 (11), 113004, 2023
Maximal tree size of few-qubit states
HN Le, Y Cai, X Wu, R Rabelo, V Scarani
Physical Review A 89 (6), 062333, 2014
Information causality in multipartite scenarios
L Pollyceno, R Chaves, R Rabelo
Physical Review A 107 (4), 042203, 2023
Quantum non-classicality in the simplest causal network
P Lauand, D Poderini, R Rabelo, R Chaves
arXiv preprint arXiv:2404.12790, 2024
Terra Cunha, and A. Cabello
R Rabelo, C Duarte, M AJL-Tarrida
J. Phys. A: Math. Theor 47, 424021, 2014
The quantum maxima for the basic graphs of exclusivity are not reachable in Bell scenarios
LEA Porto, R Rabelo, M Terra Cunha, A Cabello
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 382 (2268), 20230006, 2024
Generalized Bell scenarios: disturbing consequences on local-hidden-variable models
A Mazzari, G Ruffolo, C Vieira, T Temistocles, R Rabelo, M Terra Cunha
Entropy 25 (9), 1276, 2023
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Articles 1–20