Kam Star
Cited by
Cited by
Sewa db: A rich database for audio-visual emotion and sentiment research in the wild
J Kossaifi, R Walecki, Y Panagakis, J Shen, M Schmitt, F Ringeval, J Han, ...
IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 43 (3), 1022-1040, 2019
How to use gamified dashboards and learning analytics for providing immediate student feedback and performance tracking in higher education
S de Freitas, D Gibson, V Alvarez, L Irving, K Star, S Charleer, K Verbert
Proceedings of the 26th international conference on world wide web companion …, 2017
MeTycoon: A game-based approach to career guidance
I Dunwell, P Lameras, S De Freitas, P Petridis, K Star, M Hendrix, S Arnab
2013 5th International Conference on Games and Virtual Worlds for Serious …, 2013
A virtual agent toolkit for serious games developers
S Mascarenhas, M Guimarães, R Prada, J Dias, PA Santos, K Star, ...
2018 IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence and Games (CIG), 1-7, 2018
Competition and collaboration using a social and gamified online learning platform
S Arnab, R Bhakta, SK Merry, M Smith, K Star, M Duncan
10th European conference on games based learning: ECGBL 2016, 19, 2016
Gamification, interdependence, and the moderating effect of personality on performance
K Star
Coventry University, 2015
Repurposing serious games in health care education
A Protopsaltis, D Panzoli, I Dunwell, S de Freitas
XII Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and …, 2010
Building social commmunities around alternate reality games
P Petridis, I Dunwell, S Arnab, S Scarle, A Qureshi, S De Freitas, ...
2011 Third International Conference on Games and Virtual Worlds for Serious …, 2011
Choices and Voices–A serious game for preventing violent extremism
M Memarzia, K Star
Intelligence management: Knowledge driven frameworks for combating terrorism …, 2011
Acquiring 21st Century Skills: gaining insight into the design and applicability of a serious game with 4C-ID
P Van Rosmalen, EA Boyle, R Nadolski, J Van der Baaren, ...
Games and Learning Alliance: Second International Conference, GALA 2013 …, 2014
Creating opportunities to learn social skills at school using digital games
S Modafferi, M Boniface, S Crowle, K Star, L Middleton
European Conference on Games Based Learning, 461, 2016
Facilitating creativity in collaborative work with computational intelligence software
D Apostolou, K Zachos, N Maiden, N Agell, G Sanchez-Hernandez, ...
IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine 11 (2), 29-40, 2016
Towards the blending of digital and physical learning contexts with a gamified and pervasive approach
S Arnab, G Tombs, M Duncan, M Smith, K Star
Games and Learning Alliance: 4th International Conference, GALA 2015, Rome …, 2016
Providing career guidance to adolescents through digital games: A case study
I Dunwell, P Lameras, S De Freitas, P Petridis, M Hendrix, S Arnab, K Star
International Journal of Game-Based Learning (IJGBL) 4 (4), 58-70, 2014
Value propositions for serious games in health and well-being
R García Sánchez, AG Thin, J Baalsrud Hauge, G Fiucci, T Nabeth, ...
Serious Games Development and Applications: Third International Conference …, 2012
Efficacy of the 4F feedback model: A game-based assessment in university education
S Freitas, V Uren, K Kiili, M Ninaus, P Petridis, P Lameras, I Dunwell, ...
Information 14 (2), 99, 2023
Games and learning alliance
D Hutchison
Springer International Publishing, 2014
D2. 6 Prosocial Game design methodology
K Star, L Vuillier, S Deterding
Gamification of Prosocial Learning for Increased Youth Inclusion and …, 2016
On controlling elasticity of cloud applications in celar
G Copil, D Moldovan, HD Le, HL Truong, S Dustdar, C Sofokleous, ...
Web-Based Services: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, 1937-1967, 2016
A playful affinity space for creative research
K Star, F Paraskevopoulos, M Taramigkou, D Apostolou, M Schot, ...
Proceedings of the 2015 ACM SIGCHI Conference on Creativity and Cognition …, 2015
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Articles 1–20