Qinglin Hu
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Cited by
Pathway analysis of relationships among community development, active travel behavior, body mass index, and self-rated health
X Li, Q Hu, J Liu, S Nambisan, AJ Khattak, A Lidbe, HY Lee
International journal of sustainable transportation 16 (4), 340-356, 2022
Declining union contract coverage and increasing income inequality in US metropolitan areas
Q Hu, DM Hanink
The Professional Geographer 70 (3), 453-462, 2018
Better rested than sorry: data-driven approach to reducing drowsy driving crashes on interstates
EK Adanu, Q Hu, J Liu, S Jones
Journal of transportation engineering, Part A: Systems 147 (10), 04021067, 2021
A low-cost approach to identify hazard curvature for local road networks using open-source data
Q Hu, X Li, J Liu, EK Adanu
Transportation research interdisciplinary perspectives 10, 100393, 2021
An integrated spatio-temporal analysis of emergency medical service response characteristics for stroke events across Alabama
X Li, Q Hu, A Gregg
Journal of Transport & Health 20, 101018, 2021
Geographic Access to Primary Healthcare Services among Latinos/as/x in Western Alabama
MM Morales-Alemán, Q Hu, G Ferreti, LG Yerby
Southern medical journal 115 (12), 864, 2022
Pathway analysis to characterize the relationships between healthcare access and healthcare visits in the United States using the health information national trends survey
Q Hu, X Li, MM Morales-Alemán
Int J Community Med Public Health 9, 1951-1960, 2022
Examining the existing usage gap of electronic health records in the United States: A study of National Health Survey
Q Hu, Y Yao, J Han, XT Yang, J Parton
SSM-Population Health 25, 101577, 2024
Analysis and comparison between crash-and health-based emergency medical service response across Alabama
X Li, Q Hu, A Gregg
Journal of Transport & Health 24, 101315, 2022
The impacts of internet and transportation access on patients’ health conditions: a cross-sectional study
Q Hu, X Li, G Bell, GL Yerby
International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health 9 (2), 565-74, 2022
Prehospital time differences for patients with illnesses versus motor vehicle accidents in urban, suburban, and rural areas: Findings from a statewide EMS system
Q Hu, X Li, J Parton
APHA 2022 Annual Meeting and Expo, 2022
Pathway analysis from community development, active travel behavior, to body mass index, and health
X Li, Q Hu, J Liu, S Nambisan, A Khattak, A Lidbe, H Lee
APHA's 2020 VIRTUAL Annual Meeting and Expo (Oct. 24-28), 2020
Examining Barriers to Healthcare Service Access among Latinos/as/x in Alabama with Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Analyses
MM Morales-Aleman, Q Hu, G Ferreti, L Yerby
APHA's 2019 Annual Meeting and Expo (Nov. 2-Nov. 6), 2019
An Empirical Analysis of the Role of Unionization in Variations in Income Inequality Across Selected US Metropolitan Areas in 1990, 2000 and 2010
Q Hu
Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives
Q Hu, MN Smirnova, Y Zhang, Z Zhu, NN Smirnov
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Articles 1–15