Articles with public access mandates - Guilherme TorellyLearn more
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From InAs extended monolayer flat 2D terraces to 3D islands grown on GaAs substrates
G Torelly, R Jakomin, MP Pires, LP Dornelas, R Prioli, PG Caldas, H Xie, ...
2015 30th Symposium on Microelectronics Technology and Devices (SBMicro), 1-4, 2015
Mandates: US Department of Energy
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Correlation between size distribution and luminescence properties of spool-shaped InAs quantum dots
H Xie, R Prioli, G Torelly, H Liu, AM Fischer, R Jakomin, R Mourão, ...
Semiconductor Science and Technology 32 (5), 055013, 2017
Mandates: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Energy
Tailoring the properties of quantum dot-micropillars by ultrafast optical injection of free charge carriers
E Peinke, T Sattler, GM Torelly, PL Souza, S Perret, J Bleuse, J Claudon, ...
Light: Science & Applications 10 (1), 215, 2021
Mandates: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research, Agence Nationale de la …
Early nucleation stages of low density InAs quantum dots nucleation on GaAs by MOVPE
G Torelly, R Jakomin, LD Pinto, MP Pires, J Ruiz, PG Caldas, R Prioli, ...
Journal of Crystal Growth 434, 47-54, 2016
Mandates: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Energy
Probing microcavity switching events on the picosecond time scale using quantum dots as a broadband internal fluorescent source
T Sattler, GM Torelly, E Peinke, A Gérard, J Claudon, J Bleuse, PL Souza, ...
APL Photonics 5 (12), 2020
Mandates: Agence Nationale de la Recherche
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