Sandeep K. S. Gupta
Sandeep K. S. Gupta
Associate Dean, Research, Fulton Schools of Engg., Prof. School of Computing & A.I.
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Research challenges in wireless networks of biomedical sensors
L Schwiebert, SKS Gupta, J Weinmann
Proceedings of the 7th annual international conference on Mobile computing …, 2001
Energy-efficient thermal-aware task scheduling for homogeneous high-performance computing data centers: A cyber-physical approach
Q Tang, SKS Gupta, G Varsamopoulos
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 19 (11), 1458-1472, 2008
Reconfigurable context-sensitive middleware for pervasive computing
SS Yau, F Karim, Y Wang, B Wang, SKS Gupta
IEEE Pervasive Computing 1 (3), 33-40, 2002
Ensuring safety, security, and sustainability of mission-critical cyber–physical systems
A Banerjee, KK Venkatasubramanian, T Mukherjee, SKS Gupta
Proceedings of the IEEE 100 (1), 283-299, 2011
Biosec: A biometric based approach for securing communication in wireless networks of biosensors implanted in the human body
S Cherukuri, KK Venkatasubramanian, SKS Gupta
2003 International Conference on Parallel Processing Workshops, 2003 …, 2003
PSKA: Usable and secure key agreement scheme for body area networks
KK Venkatasubramanian, A Banerjee, SKS Gupta
IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine 14 (1), 60-68, 2009
Sensor-based fast thermal evaluation model for energy efficient high-performance datacenters
Q Tang, T Mukherjee, SKS Gupta, P Cayton
2006 Fourth international conference on intelligent sensing and information …, 2006
Communication scheduling to minimize thermal effects of implanted biosensor networks in homogeneous tissue
Q Tang, N Tummala, SKS Gupta, L Schwiebert
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 52 (7), 1285-1294, 2005
Thermal-aware task scheduling for data centers through minimizing heat recirculation
Q Tang, SKS Gupta, G Varsamopoulos
2007 ieee international conference on cluster computing, 129-138, 2007
Spatio-temporal thermal-aware job scheduling to minimize energy consumption in virtualized heterogeneous data centers
T Mukherjee, A Banerjee, G Varsamopoulos, SKS Gupta, S Rungta
Computer Networks 53 (17), 2888-2904, 2009
Fundamentals of mobile and pervasive computing
F Adelstein, SKS Gupta, G Richard, L Schwiebert
McGraw-Hill, 2005
Fundamentals of mobile and pervasive computing
F Adelstein, SKS Gupta, G Richard, L Schwiebert
McGraw-Hill, 2005
Fundamentals of mobile and pervasive computing
F Adelstein, SKS Gupta, G Richard III, L Schwiebert
McGraw-Hill Companies, New York, USA, 2004
TARA: thermal-aware routing algorithm for implanted sensor networks
Q Tang, N Tummala, SKS Gupta, L Schwiebert
International conference on distributed computing in sensor systems, 206-217, 2005
On tree-based convergecasting in wireless sensor networks
V Annamalai, SKS Gupta, L Schwiebert
2003 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking, 2003. WCNC 2003. 3, 1942-1947, 2003
Compiling array expressions for efficient execution on distributed-memory machines
SKS Gupta, SD Kaushik, CH Huang, P Sadayappan
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 32 (2), 155-172, 1996
EKG-based key agreement in body sensor networks
KK Venkatasubramanian, A Banerjee, SKS Gupta
IEEE Infocom Workshops 2008, 1-6, 2008
Compiling Array Expressions for Efficient Execution on Distributed-Memory Machines,
SKS Gupta, SD Kaushik, CH Huang, P Sadayappan
Parallel and Distributed Computing 32 (2), 155-172, 1996
Wireless sensor networking for hot applications: Effects of temperature on signal strength, data collection and localization
K Bannister, G Giorgetti, SK Gupta
Proceedings of the 5th workshop on embedded networked sensors (HotEmNets’ 08 …, 2008
A smart classroom for enhancing collaborative learning using pervasive computing technology
SS Yau, SKS Gupta, F Karim, SI Ahamed, Y Wang, B Wang
2003 Annual Conference, 8.118. 1-8.118. 10, 2003
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Articles 1–20