Athar Hanif, PhD
Athar Hanif, PhD
Research Scientist, Center for Automotive Research, The Ohio State State University
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RFID based security and access control system
U Farooq, M ul Hasan, M Amar, A Hanif, MU Asad
International Journal of Engineering and Technology 6 (4), 309, 2014
Teaching tool for a control systems laboratory using a quadrotor as a plant in MATLAB
S Khan, MH Jaffery, A Hanif, MR Asif
IEEE Transactions on Education 60 (4), 249-256, 2017
Review in thermal effects on the performance of electric motors
SMN Ali, A Hanif, Q Ahmed
2016 International Conference on Intelligent Systems Engineering (ICISE), 83-88, 2016
Design and implementation of neural network based controller for mobile robot navigation in unknown environments
U Farooq, M Amar, MU Asad, A Hanif, SO Saleh
International Journal of Computer and Electrical Engineering 6 (2), 83-89, 2014
Managing thermally derated torque of an electrified powertrain through LPV control
A Hanif, AI Bhatti, Q Ahmed
IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics 23 (1), 364-376, 2017
Fuzzy logic based path tracking controller for wheeled mobile robots
U Farooq, KM Hasan, A Hanif, M Amar, MU Asad
International Journal of Computer and Electrical Engineering 6 (2), 145-150, 2014
Fuzzy logic reasoning system for line following robot
U Farooq, M Amar, MU Asad, G Abbas, A Hanif
IACSIT International Journal of Engineering and Technology 6 (4), 244-248, 2014
Estimation of thermally de-rated torque of an HEV drive using robust LPV observer
A Hanif, AI Bhatti, Q Ahmed
2016 American Control Conference (ACC), 1530-1535, 2016
Cubature kalman filter-based state estimation for distributed drive electric vehicles
XJ Jin, G Yin, A Hanif
2016 35th Chinese Control Conference (CCC), 9038-9042, 2016
Effect of variation in rotor resistance on the dynamic performance of induction motor
A Hanif, SMN Ali, Q Ahmed, AI Bhatti, G Yin, MH Jaffery
2016 35th Chinese Control Conference (CCC), 9524-9529, 2016
Sliding mode-based observer design for field-oriented control of induction machine drive for applications in hybrid electric vehicles
A Hanif, AI Bhatti, AR Yassin, G Murtaza, Q Ahmed
Proceedings of the 33rd Chinese Control Conference, 263-268, 2014
Compensating Thermal Derated Torque of IPMSM Centric Electric Vehicles
AIB Hassam Muazzam, Mohamad Khairi IshaK, Athar Hanif
IEEE Access, 2022
Half cycle pairs method for harmonic analysis of cycloconverter voltage waveform
N Ashraf, A Hanif, U Farooq, MU Asad, F Rafiq
2013 International Conference on Open Source Systems and Technologies, 97-102, 2013
An lpv h∞ control design for the varying rotor resistance effects on the dynamic performance of induction motors
SMN Ali, A Hanif, MJ Hossain, V Sharma
2018 IEEE 27th International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE), 114-119, 2018
Stable trajectory planning and energy-efficience control allocation of lane change maneuver for autonomous electric vehicle
L Xu, G Yin, G Li, A Hanif, C Bian
Journal of intelligent and connected vehicles 1 (2), 55-65, 2018
Design and implementation of a fuzzy logic controller for two wheeled self balancing robot
U Farooq, MU Asad, A Hanif, KM Hasan, M Amar
Advanced Materials Research 403, 4918-4925, 2012
A unified control framework for traction machine drive using linear parameters varying-based field-oriented control
A Hanif, Q Ahmed, AI Bhatti, G Rizzoni
Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control 142 (10), 101006, 2020
Cooperative navigation strategy for connected autonomous vehicle operating at smart intersection
RR Khan, A Hanif, Q Ahmed
IFAC-PapersOnLine 55 (24), 279-284, 2022
Fuzzy Logic Based Real Time Obstacle Avoidance Controller for a Simplified Model of Hexapod Walking Robot
U Farooq, MU Asad, M Amar, A Hanif, SO Saleh
International Journal of Computer and Electrical Engineering 6 (2), 137-121, 2014
Compensating the performance of PMSM based electrified powertrain through sliding mode control
AH Safder, A Hanif, MA Saqib, F Tanveer
2023 IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC), 2413-2418, 2023
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Articles 1–20