ksenija karlovic
ksenija karlovic
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Agriculture
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Cited by
Evaluation of antioxidant activities and phenolic content of Berberis vulgaris L. and Berberis croatica Horvat
MZ Končić, D Kremer, K Karlović, I Kosalec
Food and chemical toxicology 48 (8-9), 2176-2180, 2010
Antioxidant and antimicrobial properties of Moltkia petraea (Tratt.) Griseb. flower, leaf and stem infusions
MZ Končić, D Kremer, J Gruz, M Strnad, G Biševac, I Kosalec, D Šamec, ...
Food and Chemical Toxicology 48 (6), 1537-1542, 2010
Antioxidant and antimicrobial properties of Teucrium arduini L.(Lamiaceae) flower and leaf infusions (Teucrium arduini L. antioxidant capacity)
D Šamec, J Gruz, M Strnad, D Kremer, I Kosalec, RJ Grubešić, K Karlović, ...
Food and chemical toxicology 48 (1), 113-119, 2010
Croatian barberry (Berberis croatica Horvat): a new source of berberine—analysis and antimicrobial activity
I Kosalec, B Gregurek, D Kremer, M Zovko, K Sanković, K Karlović
World journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 25 (1), 145-150, 2009
Influence of growth regulators on the height and number of inflorescence shoots in the Chrysanthemum cultivar ‘Revert’
K Karlović, I Vršek, Z Šindrak, V Židovec
Agriculturae Conspectus Scientificus 69 (2-3), 63-66, 2004
Morphological, genetic and phytochemical variation of the endemic Teucrium arduini L.(Lamiaceae)
D Kremer, S Bolarić, D Ballian, F Bogunić, D Stešević, K Karlović, ...
Phytochemistry 116, 111-119, 2015
Chemical differentiation of Berberis croatica and B. vulgaris using HPLC fingerprinting
M Zovko Končić, D Kremer, W Schühly, A Brantner, K Karlović, Z Kalođera
Croatica chemica acta 83 (4), 451-456, 2010
Assessment of drying characteristics and texture in relation with micromorphological traits of carob (Ceratonia silliqua L.) pods and seeds
M Benković, S Srečec, I Bauman, D Ježek, S Karlović, D Kremer, ...
Food technology and biotechnology 54 (4), 432-440, 2016
Otrovne i alergene biljne vrste u školskim vrtovima grada Samobora
I Vlahović, K Karlović
Agronomski glasnik: Glasilo Hrvatskog agronomskog društva 75 (2-3), 107-116, 2013
Genetic relatedness among basil [Ocimum spp.] accessions using RAPD markers
Z Satovic, Z Liber, K Karlovic, I Kolak
Acta Biologica Cracoviensia. Series Botanica, 2002
Primjena autohtonog bilja u uređenju gradskog prostora
V Židovec, K Karlović
Agronomski glasnik: Glasilo Hrvatskog agronomskog društva 67 (2-4), 151-158, 2005
Intra- and interpopulation variability and taxonomic status of Berberis croatica Horvat
K Karlović, D Kremer, Z Liber, Z Šatović, I Vršek
Plant Biosystems 143 (1), 40-46, 2009
Comparison of morphological characteristics of carob tree (Ceratonia siliqua L.) pods and seeds of populations collected from two distant Croatian islands: Drvenik Mali and …
S Srečec, D Kremer, K Karlović, T Peremin Volf, R Erhatić, Z Augustinović, ...
Agriculturae Conspectus Scientificus 81 (1), 61-64, 2016
Komercijalni uzgoj samoniklih biljnih vrsta, mjera ex situ očuvanja
D Hajoš, I Vršek, K Karlović, V Židovec, S Morić
Sjemenarstvo: genetika, oplemenjivanje bilja, cvjećarstvo i rasadničarstvo …, 2003
New localities of the subendemic species Berberis croatica, Teucrium arduini and Micromeria croatica in the Dinaric Alps
D Kremer, M Randić, I Kosalec, A Brkljačić, G Lukač, I Krušić, D Ballian, ...
Acta Botanica Croatica 70 (2), 289-300, 2011
Introduction of ornamental native plants into commercial production in Croatia
K Karlović
VI International Symposium on New Floricultural Crops 813, 107-112, 2007
New localities of Berberis croatica Horvat in Croatia
D Kremer, M Rendic, I Kosalec, K Karlovic
Acta Botanica Croatica 67 (2), 237-244, 2008
Fruit and seed traits of Berberis croatica Horvat and Berberis vulgaris L.
D Kremer, R Grubešić, Z Popović, K Karlović
Acta Botanica Croatica 71 (1), 115-123, 2012
Morphological variability of seeds and fruits of Ruscus hypoglossum in Croatia
D Kremer, K Karlovic, SJ Grubesic
Acta Biologica Cracoviensia 51 (1), 91-96, 2009
Zaštita širokolisne veprine kroz uzgoj
K Karlović, D Kremer, V Židovec
Agronomski glasnik: Glasilo Hrvatskog agronomskog društva 67 (2-4), 289-295, 2005
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Articles 1–20