Hamed Mamani
Hamed Mamani
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Cited by
Supply chain coordination and influenza vaccination
SE Chick, H Mamani, D Simchi-Levi
Operations Research 56 (6), 1493-1506, 2008
An analysis of price vs. revenue protection: Government subsidies in the agriculture industry
S Alizamir, F Iravani, H Mamani
Management science 65 (1), 32-49, 2019
Bundled payment vs. fee-for-service: Impact of payment scheme on performance
E Adida, H Mamani, S Nassiri
Management Science 63 (5), 1606-1624, 2017
A game-theoretic model of international influenza vaccination coordination
H Mamani, SE Chick, D Simchi-Levi
Management Science 59 (7), 1650-1670, 2013
Operational issues and network effects in vaccine markets
E Adida, D Dey, H Mamani
European Journal of Operational Research 231 (2), 414-427, 2013
Coping with gray markets: The impact of market conditions and product characteristics
R Ahmadi, F Iravani, H Mamani
Production and Operations Management 24 (5), 762-777, 2015
Supply chain coordination in the presence of gray markets and strategic consumers
R Ahmadi, F Iravani, H Mamani
Production and operations management 26 (2), 252-272, 2017
Closed-form solutions for robust inventory management
H Mamani, S Nassiri, MR Wagner
Management Science 63 (5), 1625-1643, 2017
Vaccine market coordination using subsidy
H Mamani, E Adida, D Dey
IIE Transactions on Healthcare Systems Engineering 2 (1), 78-96, 2012
Lead time management through expediting in a continuous review inventory system
H Mamani, K Moinzadeh
Production and Operations Management 23 (1), 95-109, 2014
Bayesian meta-prior learning using Empirical Bayes
S Nabi, H Nassif, J Hong, H Mamani, G Imbens
Management Science 68 (3), 1737-1755, 2022
How do tumor cytogenetics inform cancer treatments? dynamic risk stratification and precision medicine using multi-armed bandits
Z Zhou, Y Wang, H Mamani, DG Coffey
Dynamic Risk Stratification and Precision Medicine Using Multi-armed Bandits …, 2019
External reference pricing and parallel imports of pharmaceuticals: A policy comparison
F Iravani, H Mamani, E Nategh
Production and Operations Management 29 (12), 2716-2735, 2020
Impact of retailers with knowledge of supplier's inventory on supply chain performance
A Jain, H Mamani, K Moinzadeh
Production and Operations Management 26 (3), 542-556, 2017
To preannounce or not: New product development in a competitive duopoly market
T Klastorin, H Mamani, YP Zhou
Production and Operations Management 25 (12), 2051-2064, 2016
Reference pricing for healthcare services
S Nassiri, E Adida, H Mamani
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 24 (2), 921-937, 2022
Optimal launch vehicle size determination for moon-mars transportation architectures
E Gralla, W Nadir, H Mamani, O De Weck
Space 2005, 6782, 2005
Coping with gray markets: The impact of market conditions and product characteristics
F Iravani, H Mamani, R Ahmadi
Decoupling learning rates using empirical bayes priors
S Nabi, H Nassif, J Hong, H Mamani, G Imbens
arXiv preprint arXiv:2002.01129, 2020
Value of capacity flexibility in healthcare
S Nassiri, M Shunko, H Mamani
Available at SSRN 3481506, 2019
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Articles 1–20