Mikko Peltoniemi
Cited by
Cited by
Forest disturbances under climate change
R Seidl, D Thom, M Kautz, D Martin-Benito, M Peltoniemi, G Vacchiano, ...
Nature climate change 7 (6), 395-402, 2017
Carbon and decomposition model Yasso for forest soils
J Liski, T Palosuo, M Peltoniemi, R Sievänen
Ecological modelling 189 (1-2), 168-182, 2005
A synthesis of radial growth patterns preceding tree mortality
M Cailleret, S Jansen, EMR Robert, L Desoto, T Aakala, JA Antos, ...
Global change biology 23 (4), 1675-1690, 2017
Fungal community dynamics in relation to substrate quality of decaying Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst.) logs in boreal forests
T Rajala, M Peltoniemi, T Pennanen, R Mäkipää
FEMS Microbiology Ecology 81 (2), 494-505, 2012
Carbon accumulation in Finland's forests 1922–2004–an estimate obtained by combination of forest inventory data with modelling of biomass, litter and soil
J Liski, A Lehtonen, T Palosuo, M Peltoniemi, T Eggers, P Muukkonen, ...
Annals of forest science 63 (7), 687-697, 2006
Changes in soil carbon with stand age–an evaluation of a modelling method with empirical data
M Peltoniemi, R Mäkipää, J Liski, P Tamminen
Global Change Biology 10 (12), 2078-2091, 2004
RNA reveals a succession of active fungi during the decay of Norway spruce logs
T Rajala, M Peltoniemi, J Hantula, R Mäkipää, T Pennanen
Fungal Ecology 4 (6), 437-448, 2011
Factors affecting the uncertainty of sinks and stocks of carbon in Finnish forests soils and vegetation
M Peltoniemi, T Palosuo, S Monni, R Mäkipää
Forest Ecology and Management 232 (1-3), 75-85, 2006
Models in country scale carbon accounting of forest soils
M Peltoniemi, E Thürig, S Ogle, T Palosuo, M Schrump, T Wutzler, ...
Silva Fennica 41 (3), 575–602, 2007
Fast and nondestructive method for leaf level chlorophyll estimation using hyperspectral LiDAR
O Nevalainen, T Hakala, J Suomalainen, R Mäkipää, M Peltoniemi, ...
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 198, 250-258, 2014
Co-optimal distribution of leaf nitrogen and hydraulic conductance in plant canopies
MS Peltoniemi, RA Duursma, BE Medlyn
Tree Physiology 32 (5), 510-519, 2012
Relationship between wood-inhabiting fungi determined by molecular analysis (denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis) and quality of decaying logs
T Rajala, M Peltoniemi, T Pennanen, R Mäkipää
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 40 (12), 2384-2397, 2010
Osmolality and non-structural carbohydrate composition in the secondary phloem of trees across a latitudinal gradient in Europe
A Lintunen, T Paljakka, T Jyske, M Peltoniemi, F Sterck, G Von Arx, ...
Frontiers in Plant Science 7, 726, 2016
Uncertainty of forest carbon stock changes–implications to the total uncertainty of GHG inventory of Finland
S Monni, M Peltoniemi, T Palosuo, A Lehtonen, R Mäkipää, I Savolainen
Climatic Change 81 (3), 391-413, 2007
The costs of monitoring changes in forest soil carbon stocks
R Mäkipää, M Häkkinen, P Muukkonen, M Peltoniemi
Boreal Environment Research 13 (Suppl. B), 120-130, 2008
Mitigation impact of different harvest scenarios of Finnish forests that account for albedo, aerosols, and trade-offs of carbon sequestration and avoided emissions
T Kalliokoski, J Bäck, M Boy, M Kulmala, N Kuusinen, A Mäkelä, ...
Frontiers in Forests and Global Change 3, 562044, 2020
Response of radial increment variation of Scots pine to temperature, precipitation and soil water content along a latitudinal gradient across Finland and Estonia
HM Henttonen, H Mäkinen, J Heiskanen, M Peltoniemi, A Laurén, ...
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 198, 294-308, 2014
Analysis of the NSC storage dynamics in tree organs reveals the allocation to belowground symbionts in the framework of whole tree carbon balance
P Schiestl-Aalto, K Ryhti, A Mäkelä, M Peltoniemi, J Bäck, L Kulmala
Frontiers in Forests and Global Change 2, 17, 2019
Carbon flux from decomposing wood and its dependency on temperature, wood N2 fixation rate, moisture and fungal composition in a Norway spruce forest
KT Rinne‐Garmston, K Peltoniemi, J Chen, M Peltoniemi, H Fritze, ...
Global Change Biology 25 (5), 1852-1867, 2019
Selection cuttings as a tool to control water table level in boreal drained peatland forests
K Leppä, H Hökkä, R Laiho, S Launiainen, A Lehtonen, R Mäkipää, ...
Frontiers in Earth Science 8, 576510, 2020
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Articles 1–20