Athira Krishnan
Athira Krishnan
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Cited by
Skill assessment of global climate model wind speed from CMIP5 and CMIP6 and evaluation of projections for the Bay of Bengal
A Krishnan, PK Bhaskaran
Climate Dynamics 55 (9), 2667-2687, 2020
Role and influence of key atmospheric parameters in large-scale environmental flow associated with tropical cyclogenesis and ENSO in the North Indian Ocean basin
J Albert, A Krishnan, PK Bhaskaran, KS Singh
Climate Dynamics, 1-18, 2021
Performance of CMIP5 wind speed from global climate models for the Bay of Bengal region
A Krishnan, PK Bhaskaran
International Journal of Climatology 40 (7), 3398-3416, 2020
Extreme wind-wave climate projections for the Indian Ocean under changing climate scenarios
A Krishnan, PK Bhaskaran, P Kumar
Climate Dynamics 59 (3), 649-669, 2022
CMIP5 wind speed comparison between satellite altimeter and reanalysis products for the Bay of Bengal
A Krishnan, PK Bhaskaran
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 191, 1-17, 2019
CMIP5 model performance of significant wave heights over the Indian Ocean using COWCLIP datasets
A Krishnan, PK Bhaskaran, P Kumar
Theoretical and Applied Climatology 145 (1), 377-392, 2021
Climate projections of sea level rise and associated coastal inundation in atoll islands: Case of Lakshadweep Islands in the Arabian Sea
A Jennath, A Krishnan, SK Paul, PK Bhaskaran
Regional Studies in Marine Science 44, 101793, 2021
Evaluation of COWCLIP2. 0 Ocean wave extreme indices over the Indian Ocean
S Kaur, P Kumar, SK Min, A Krishnan, XL Wang
Climate Dynamics 61 (11), 5747-5765, 2023
Extreme wind-Wave characteristics in the North Indian Ocean in a changing climate
PK Bhaskaran, S Neelamani, K Al-Salem, A Krishnan, J Albert, ...
Extreme natural events: sustainable solutions for developing countries, 223-280, 2022
Comparison of CMIP5 wind speed from global climate models with in-situ observations for the Bay of Bengal
A Krishnan, PK Bhaskaran
Climate Change Impacts on Water Resources: Hydraulics, Water Resources and …, 2021
Wind-Waves in a Changing Climate Scenario for the Indian Ocean
A Krishnan
IIT Kharagpur, 2022
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Articles 1–11