Charmaine Ng
Charmaine Ng
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Cited by
Removal of antibiotic residues, antibiotic resistant bacteria and antibiotic resistance genes in municipal wastewater by membrane bioreactor systems
TH Le, C Ng, NH Tran, H Chen, KYH Gin
Water research 145, 498-508, 2018
Next-generation sequencing (NGS) for assessment of microbial water quality: current progress, challenges, and future opportunities
BF Tan, C Ng, JP Nshimyimana, LL Loh, KYH Gin, JR Thompson
Frontiers in microbiology 6, 1027, 2015
An integrative study of a meromictic lake ecosystem in Antarctica
FM Lauro, MZ DeMaere, S Yau, MV Brown, C Ng, D Wilkins, MJ Raftery, ...
The ISME journal 5 (5), 879-895, 2011
The genome sequence of the psychrophilic archaeon, Methanococcoides burtonii: the role of genome evolution in cold adaptation
MA Allen, FM Lauro, TJ Williams, D Burg, KS Siddiqui, D De Francisci, ...
The ISME journal 3 (9), 1012-1035, 2009
Coral community response to bleaching on a highly disturbed reef
JR Guest, J Low, K Tun, B Wilson, C Ng, D Raingeard, KE Ulstrup, ...
Scientific Reports 6 (1), 20717, 2016
Quaternary ammonium compounds of emerging concern: Classification, occurrence, fate, toxicity and antimicrobial resistance
S Mohapatra, L Yutao, SG Goh, C Ng, Y Luhua, NH Tran, KYH Gin
Journal of hazardous materials 445, 130393, 2023
Metaproteogenomic analysis of a dominant green sulfur bacterium from Ace Lake, Antarctica
C Ng, MZ DeMaere, TJ Williams, FM Lauro, M Raftery, JAE Gibson, ...
The ISME journal 4 (8), 1002-1019, 2010
Occurrences and characterization of antibiotic-resistant bacteria and genetic determinants of hospital wastewater in a tropical country
TH Le, C Ng, H Chen, XZ Yi, TH Koh, TMS Barkham, Z Zhou, KYH Gin
Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy 60 (12), 7449-7456, 2016
Characterization of metagenomes in urban aquatic compartments reveals high prevalence of clinically relevant antibiotic resistance genes in wastewaters
C Ng, M Tay, B Tan, TH Le, L Haller, H Chen, TH Koh, TMS Barkham, ...
Frontiers in microbiology 8, 2200, 2017
Occurrence and characteristics of extended-spectrum β-lactamase-and carbapenemase-producing bacteria from hospital effluents in Singapore
L Haller, H Chen, C Ng, TH Le, TH Koh, T Barkham, M Sobsey, KYH Gin
Science of the total environment 615, 1119-1125, 2018
Metagenomic and resistome analysis of a full-scale municipal wastewater treatment plant in Singapore containing membrane bioreactors
C Ng, B Tan, XT Jiang, X Gu, H Chen, BW Schmitz, L Haller, FR Charles, ...
Frontiers in microbiology 10, 172, 2019
Microbial water quality and the detection of multidrug resistant E. coli and antibiotic resistance genes in aquaculture sites of Singapore
C Ng, H Chen, SG Goh, L Haller, FR Charles, Z Wu, A Trottet, ...
Marine Pollution Bulletin 135, 475-480, 2018
A comparison of microbial water quality and diversity for ballast and tropical harbor waters
C Ng, TH Le, SG Goh, L Liang, Y Kim, JB Rose, KG Yew-Hoong
PLoS One 10 (11), e0143123, 2015
Identification of antibiotic resistant bacteria community and a GeoChip based study of resistome in urban watersheds
A Low, C Ng, J He
Water Research 106, 330-338, 2016
Occurrence of Vibrio species, beta-lactam resistant Vibrio species, and indicator bacteria in ballast and port waters of a tropical harbor
C Ng, SG Goh, N Saeidi, WA Gerhard, CK Gunsch, KYH Gin
Science of the Total Environment 610, 651-656, 2018
Proteomic and Computational Analysis of Secreted Proteins with Type I Signal Peptides from the Antarctic Archaeon Methanococcoides burtonii
NFW Saunders, C Ng, M Raftery, M Guilhaus, A Goodchild, R Cavicchioli
Journal of Proteome Research 5 (9), 2457-2464, 2006
Genomics and metagenomics of colorectal cancer
C Ng, H Li, WKK Wu, SH Wong, J Yu
Journal of Gastrointestinal Oncology, 2019
Magnetic fields modulate metabolism and gut microbiome in correlation with Pgc‐1α expression: Follow‐up to an in vitro magnetic mitohormetic study
YK Tai, C Ng, K Purnamawati, JLY Yap, JN Yin, C Wong, BK Patel, ...
The FASEB Journal 34 (8), 11143-11167, 2020
Proteomics of extremophiles
D Burg, C Ng, L Ting, R Cavicchioli
Environmental Microbiology 13 (8), 1934-1955, 2011
Population-based variations of a core resistome revealed by urban sewage metagenome surveillance
W Li, F Mao, C Ng, MC Jong, SG Goh, FR Charles, OT Ng, K Marimuthu, ...
Environment International 163, 107185, 2022
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Articles 1–20