David Maree
David Maree
Professor of Psychology, University of Pretoria
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Cited by
A review of South African research in the field of dynamic assessment
R Murphy, DJF Maree
South African Journal of Psychology 36 (1), 168-191, 2006
The relationship between chronic fatigue syndrome, burnout, job satisfaction, social support and age among academics at a tertiary institution
N Coetzee, DJ Maree, BN Smit
International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health 32 …, 2019
Distinguishing perceived hope and dispositional optimism: Theoretical foundations and empirical findings beyond future expectancies and cognition
AM Krafft, T Guse, D Maree
Journal of Well-Being Assessment, 1-27, 2021
Psychological skills and mindfulness training effects on the psychological wellbeing of undergraduate music students: An exploratory study
BJM Steyn, MH Steyn, DJF Maree, C Panebianco-Warrens
Journal of Psychology in Africa 26 (2), 167-171, 2016
Measuring readiness and success at a higher education institution
JC Lemmens, GI Du Plessis, DJF Maree
Journal of Psychology in Africa 21 (4), 615-621, 2011
Negotiating heteronormativity: Exploring South African bisexual women’s constructions of marriage and family
I Lynch, DJF Maree
Feminism & Psychology 23 (4), 459-477, 2013
A psychobiographical study of intuition in a writer's life: Paulo Coelho revisited
CH Mayer, D Maree
Europe's journal of psychology 13 (3), 472, 2017
Student factors affecting academic success among undergraduate students at two South African higher education institutions
TA Thomas, D Maree
South African Journal of Psychology 52 (1), 99-111, 2022
Servant school leadership and organisational climate in south african private schools
C Swart, L Pottas, D Maree
Education Research International 2021 (1), 8568889, 2021
Meta-analysis of dynamic assessment research in South Africa
R Murphy, DJF Maree
International Association for Cognitive Education and Psychology, 2006
Revisiting core issues in dynamic assessment
R Murphy, DJF Maree
South African Journal of Psychology 39 (4), 420-431, 2009
The relationship between hope and goal achievement
DJF Maree, M Maree, C Collins
Journal of Psychology in Africa 18 (1), 65-74, 2008
Teaching research methodology: Implications for psychology on the road ahead
C Wagner, D Maree
South African Journal of Psychology 37 (1), 121-134, 2007
AIDS awareness and VCT behaviour: An application of the integrated model of behaviour prediction
H Diteweg, A Van Oostwaard, A Vermeer, M Appels, MF Van der Schaaf, ...
Health SA Gesondheid 18 (1), 1-10, 2013
Roll Up Your Sleeves: Servant Leadership as a Paradigm for the Challenging South African School Context?
C Swart, L Pottas, D Maree, MA Graham
SAGE Open 12 (2), 21582440221096653, 2022
Constructing a South African hope measure
DJF Maree, M Maree, C Collins
Journal of Psychology in Africa 18 (1), 167-177, 2008
A cross-over from sport psychology to the psychology of music: An intervention study on undergraduate music students
BJM Steyn, MH Steyn, DJF Maree, C Panebianco-Warrens
African Journal for Physical Health Education, Recreation and Dance 21 (2 …, 2015
The Methodological Division: Quantitative and Qualitative Methods
DJF Maree, DJF Maree
Realism and Psychological Science, 13-42, 2020
The magical life and creative works of Paulo Coelho: A psychobiographical investigation
CH Mayer, D Maree
Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology 18 (sup1), 65-80, 2018
Assessing the impact of gender training on engineering students
DJF Maree, M Maree
na, 2007
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Articles 1–20