Hai Dong (董海)
Hai Dong (董海)
Assistant Professor, Emory University
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Cited by
A new fatigue failure theory for multidirectional fiber-reinforced composite laminates with arbitrary stacking sequence
H Dong, Z Li, J Wang, BL Karihaloo
International Journal of Fatigue 87, 294-300, 2016
An improved Puck’s failure theory for fibre-reinforced composite laminates including the in situ strength effect
H Dong, J Wang, BL Karihaloo
Composites science and technology 98, 86-92, 2014
Computation of a probabilistic and anisotropic failure metric on the aortic wall using a machine learning-based surrogate model
M Liu, L Liang, Y Ismail, H Dong, X Lou, G Iannucci, EP Chen, ...
Computers in Biology and Medicine 137, 104794, 2021
A novel hyperelastic model for biological tissues with planar distributed fibers and a second kind of Poisson effect
H Dong, W Sun
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 151, 104377, 2021
A novel anisotropic failure criterion with dispersed fiber orientations for aortic tissues
M Liu, H Dong, X Lou, G Iannucci, EP Chen, BG Leshnower, W Sun
Journal of Biomechanical Engineering 142 (11), 111002, 2020
A residual stiffness-based model for the fatigue damage of biological soft tissues
H Dong, M Liu, C Martin, W Sun
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 143, 104074, 2020
A criterion for failure mode prediction of angle-ply composite laminates under in-plane tension
H Dong, J Wang
Composite Structures 128, 234-240, 2015
Cosserat interphase models for elasticity with application to the interphase bonding a spherical inclusion to an infinite matrix
H Dong, J Wang, MB Rubin
International Journal of Solids and Structures 51 (2), 462-477, 2014
Micromechanical models for the stiffness and strength of UHMWPE macrofibrils
H Dong, Z Wang, TC O’Connor, A Azoug, MO Robbins, TD Nguyen
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 116, 70-98, 2018
A nonlinear cosserat interphase model for residual stresses in an inclusion and the interphase that bonds it to an infinite matrix
H Dong, J Wang, MB Rubin
International Journal of Solids and Structures 62, 186-206, 2015
Self-driven membrane filtration by core–shell polymer composites
Z Dou, T Wang, W Chen, B Lin, H Dong, W Sun, X Xie
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 8 (31), 15942-15950, 2020
Harnessing fluid pre-pressure to tune the properties of phononic crystals
H Dong, Y Hu
Extreme Mechanics Letters 34, 100582, 2020
A novel computational growth framework for biological tissues: Application to growth of aortic root aneurysm repaired by the V-shape surgery
H Dong, M Liu, T Qin, L Liang, B Ziganshin, H Ellauzi, M Zafar, S Jang, ...
Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials 127, 105081, 2022
Ultimate tensile strength and biaxial stress–strain responses of aortic tissues—A clinical-engineering correlation
H Dong, M Liu, X Lou, BG Leshnower, W Sun, BA Ziganshin, MA Zafar, ...
Applications in Engineering Science 10, 100101, 2022
Engineering analysis of aortic wall stress and root dilatation in the V-shape surgery for treatment of ascending aortic aneurysms
H Dong, M Liu, T Qin, L Liang, B Ziganshin, H Ellauzi, M Zafar, S Jang, ...
Interactive CardioVascular and Thoracic Surgery, 2022
Effect of Nonlinear Hyperelastic Property of Arterial Tissues on the Pulse Wave Velocity Based on the Unified-Fiber-Distribution (UFD) Model
H Dong, M Liu, J Woodall, BG Leshnower, RL Gleason Jr
Annals of Biomedical Engineering 51 (11), 2441-2452, 2023
Constructing growth evolution laws of arteries via reinforcement learning
M Liu, L Liang, H Dong, W Sun, RL Gleason
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 168, 105044, 2022
Comparative analysis of arterial compliance in mice genetically null for cathepsins K, L, or S
VO Omojola, Z Hardnett, H Song, H Dong, DJ Alexander, AOA Michael, ...
Journal of Biomechanics 143, 111266, 2022
Effect of Aging, Sex, and Gene (Fbln5) on Arterial Stiffness of Mice: 20 Weeks Adult Fbln5-knockout Mice Have Older Arteries than 100 Weeks Wild-Type Mice
H Dong, J Ferruzzi, M Liu, LP Brewster, BG Leshnower, RL Gleason Jr
bioRxiv, 2023.05. 30.542920, 2023
Protective biomechanical and histological changes in the false lumen wall in chronic type B aortic dissection
H Dong, M Liu, HL Cebull, A Chhabra, Y Zhou, M Piccinelli, JN Oshinski, ...
JTCVS Open, 2024
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Articles 1–20