Articles with public access mandates - Roberto GrimaudoLearn more
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Coupling-assisted Landau-Majorana-Stückelberg-Zener transition in a system of two interacting spin qubits
R Grimaudo, NV Vitanov, A Messina
Physical Review B 99 (17), 174416, 2019
Mandates: European Commission
Cooling of many-body systems via selective interactions
R Grimaudo, L Lamata, E Solano, A Messina
Physical Review A 98 (4), 042330, 2018
Mandates: Government of Spain
Quantum Phase Transitions for an Integrable Quantum Rabi-like Model with Two Interacting Qubits
DV R. Grimaudo, A. S. Magalhães de Castro, A. Messina, E. Solano
Physical Review Letters 130 (4), 043602, 2023
Mandates: Government of Italy
Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya and dipole-dipole interactions affect coupling-based Landau-Majorana-Stückelberg-Zener transitions
R Grimaudo, H Nakazato, A Messina, NV Vitanov
Physical Review Research 2 (3), 033092, 2020
Mandates: European Commission
Josephson-junction-based axion detection through resonant activation
R Grimaudo, D Valenti, B Spagnolo, G Filatrella, C Guarcello
Physical Review D 105 (3), 033007, 2022
Mandates: Government of Italy
Stochastic 0-dimensional Biogeochemical Flux Model: Effect of temperature fluctuations on the dynamics of the biogeochemical properties in a marine ecosystem
P Lazzari, R Grimaudo, C Solidoro, D Valenti
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 103, 105994, 2021
Mandates: Government of Italy
Superradiant Quantum Phase Transition for an Exactly Solvable Two-Qubit Spin-Boson Model
R Grimaudo, D Valenti, A Sergi, A Messina
Entropy 25 (2), 187, 2023
Mandates: Government of Italy
Spin‐Chain‐Star Systems: Entangling Multiple Chains of Spin Qubits
R Grimaudo, AS Magalhães de Castro, A Messina, D Valenti
Fortschritte der Physik 70 (6), 2200042, 2022
Mandates: Government of Italy
Greenberger‐Horne‐Zeilinger‐state Generation in Qubit‐Chains via a Single Landau‐Majorana‐Stückelberg‐Zener π/2‐pulse
R Grimaudo, NV Vitanov, AS Magalhães de Castro, D Valenti, A Messina
Fortschritte der Physik 70 (5), 2200010, 2022
Mandates: Government of Italy
Effects of solar irradiance noise on a complex marine trophic web
R Grimaudo, P Lazzari, C Solidoro, D Valenti
Scientific Reports 12 (1), 12163, 2022
Mandates: Government of Italy
Coupled quantum pendula as a possible model for Josephson-junction-based axion detection
R Grimaudo, D Valenti, G Filatrella, B Spagnolo, C Guarcello
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 173, 113745, 2023
Mandates: Government of Italy
Marine ecosystem models of realistic complexity rarely exhibits significant endogenous non-stationary dynamics
G Occhipinti, C Solidoro, R Grimaudo, D Valenti, P Lazzari
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 175, 113961, 2023
Mandates: European Commission
Axion field influence on Josephson junction quasipotential
R Grimaudo, D Valenti, B Spagnolo, A Troisi, G Filatrella, C Guarcello
Materials 16 (17), 5972, 2023
Mandates: Government of Italy
Characterization of Quantum and Classical Critical Points for an Integrable Two-Qubit Spin–Boson Model. Symmetry 2023, 15, 2174
R Grimaudo, A Messina, H Nakazato, A Sergi, D Valenti
Mandates: Government of Italy
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