Nicole Sylvia Goedhart
Nicole Sylvia Goedhart
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Cited by
The flipped classroom: supporting a diverse group of students in their learning
NS Goedhart, N Blignaut-van Westrhenen, C Moser, MBM Zweekhorst
Learning Environments Research 22, 297-310, 2019
The effect of structural empowerment of nurses on quality outcomes in hospitals: a scoping review
NS Goedhart, CJ van Oostveen, H Vermeulen
Journal of Nursing Management 25 (3), 194-206, 2017
Just having a computer doesn’t make sense’: The digital divide from the perspective of mothers with a low socio-economic position
NS Goedhart, JEW Broerse, R Kattouw, C Dedding
New media & society 21 (11-12), 2347-2365, 2019
Combining clinical practice and academic work in nursing: A qualitative study about perceived importance, facilitators and barriers regarding clinical academic careers for …
CJ van Oostveen, NS Goedhart, AL Francke, H Vermeulen
Journal of clinical nursing 26 (23-24), 4973-4984, 2017
Exploring the boundaries of ‘good’Participatory Action Research in times of increasing popularity: dealing with constraints in local policy for digital inclusion
C Dedding, NS Goedhart, JEW Broerse, TA Abma
Educational Action Research 29 (1), 20-36, 2021
Persistent inequitable design and implementation of patient portals for users at the margins
NS Goedhart, T Zuiderent-Jerak, J Woudstra, JEW Broerse, AW Betten, ...
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 28 (2), 276-283, 2021
Usefulness of wearable cameras as a tool to enhance chronic disease self-management: scoping review
R Maddison, S Cartledge, M Rogerson, NS Goedhart, T Ragbir Singh, ...
JMIR mHealth and uHealth 7 (1), e10371, 2019
Engaging citizens living in vulnerable circumstances in research: a narrative review using a systematic search
NS Goedhart, C Pittens, S Tončinić, T Zuiderent-Jerak, C Dedding, ...
Research involvement and engagement 7, 1-19, 2021
“Never good enough.” A situated understanding of the impact of digitalization on citizens living in a low socioeconomic position
NS Goedhart, P Verdonk, C Dedding
Policy & Internet 14 (4), 824-844, 2022
Fun, engaging and easily shareable? Exploring the value of co-creating vlogs with citizens from disadvantaged neighbourhoods
NS Goedhart, E Lems, T Zuiderent-Jerak, CACM Pittens, JEW Broerse, ...
Action research 20 (1), 56-76, 2022
The potential and paradoxes of eHealth research for digitally marginalised groups: A qualitative meta-review
JA Coetzer, I Loukili, NS Goedhart, JCF Ket, TJ Schuitmaker-Warnaar, ...
Social Science & Medicine, 116895, 2024
Optimising multi-Stakeholder practices in patient engagement: A gap analysis to enable focused evolution of patient engagement in the development and Lifecycle management of …
SD Faulkner, C Pittens, NS Goedhart, EH Davies, E Manning, ...
Therapeutic Innovation & Regulatory Science 55, 1165-1179, 2021
Social inclusion in digitizing societies: starting from the lifeworld of people with a low socioeconomic position
NS Goedhart
Digitale ongelijkheid: Een participatieve verkenning in Amsterdam
NS Goedhart, C Dedding, R Kattouw
Gemeente Amsterdam, 2017
Digital Divide, Citizenship and Inclusion in Amsterdam
A Bon, D van den Nieuwenhuijzen, H Akkermans, W de Bour, C Edoga, ...
Amsterdam: Pangea, 2020
The context of digital inequalities in Amsterdam
NS Goedhart, C Dedding
Digital divide citizenship and inclusion in Amsterdam: Participatory Action …, 2020
Digitalizing Access to Care: How Self-Check-In Kiosks Shape Access to Care and Efficiency of Hospital Services
I Loukili, NS Goedhart, T Zuiderent-Jerak, C Dedding
Media and Communication 12, 2024
Onlineonderwijs ten tijde van Corona-een quick scan van de zorgen en behoeften van leerkrachten en docenten
NS Goedhart, E Vlasman, C Dedding
de Fabeltjes-krant: Elf fabels over digitale inclusie die kansenongelijkheid vergroten en een goede oplossing in de weg staan.
C Dedding, NS Goedhart
Verhalen bij de thee: De ICT loopbaan van mensen met een afstand tot de online wereld
C Dedding, JM Obispo, NS Goedhart
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Articles 1–20